Homemade Sweet Cheese.

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Hello everybody.

We had a big brunch this morning for my mother in-law’s old friends.
Lovely group full of  old memories, besides things I made I ordered others like haluva, kibbeh and yalanji.

I made falafel rolls,cheese platter, Greek salad, date rocca salad and za’tar puffs.

For dessert I kind of created two elegant dishes, made cream cheese yesterday then molded it today to two parts. One with caramel, walnuts and figs. The other with strawberry sauce and almonds.

ingredients and method:

  • 2 liters of fresh milk.
  • 9 tablespoons white vinegar.
  • 1 small pack cream (علبه قشطه صغيره)
  • Boil milk well then add the vinegar, curd will immediately start to crumble.
  • With a sieved spoon collect curd in a fine sieve so as all water goes out.
  • Add the cream and mix well.
  • when no more water comes out put a kitchen towel on top and cool it in the fridge for several hours.
  • you can serve it with any sauce you like e.g caramel,strawberry,honey …etc.

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Everybody loved it, a really nice looking elegant dish. Other desserts were brought by the guests ,a dessert done in a  Shishani sweets bakery ,  delicious as well.

wpid-wp-1446118872687.jpg don’t know the name of this dessert but it’s yummy.






Doughnuts 💝



Hello again.

Been craving homemade doughnuts for a while but not in the mood for frying or honestly no need for extra calories these days.

But today I thought what the heck, never keep something nagging at the back of your head, so I took out this very old recipe that might be my grandma’s by the way and made them, small amount but worth it.

Ingredients and method :
* 1/2 cup warm water.
* 1 tsp instant yeast.
* 2 tablespoons sugar.
* 3/4 cup warm milk.
* 1 tablespoon butter.
* 1 large egg.
* pinch of salt.
* 2 1/2- 3 cups flour.

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* mix water, yeast, sugar, milk together till a bit frothy then add rest of ingredients.
* knead well for 5 minutes then leave to rest and rise for 1 hour.
* flour your kitchen surface well then roll the dough  somewhat thick
* using the cutter size you like cut the dough to circles then punch them in the middle with a smaller size cutter.
* leave to rise again then deep fry in well heated oil.
* decorate with anything you prefer, glaze, chocolate, strawberry syrup or simply caster sugar and cinnamon.

A bit extra work but worth every bite.


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Greek Semolina Cake.


Hello again.

A usual companion to cabbages and cold weather is this semolina cake or harisseh.

Frankly the usual harisseh that most people do never turn out successful,don’t ask me why 😀,not my specialty I guess. So to ensure that it’s good I make this Greek one, very similar but contains eggs so it’s more like a cake but same taste and texture.

Here are the ingredients and method :

*4 eggs.
* 1 tsp vanilla.
* 1 cup sugar.
* 1/2 cup coconut (optional).
* 1/2 yoghurt.
* 3/4 cup butter.
* 2 1/2 cups coarse or fine semolina.
* 2 tsp baking powder.
* 1/4 tsp sodium bicarbonate.
For the sugar syrup :
* 3 cups sugar.
* 1 1/2 cups water.
* 1 small spoon lemon juice.

*Mix all ingredients alternatively. Grease a
medium size pan with butter or tahini (طحينه ).add the batter
*Sprinkle with almonds then bake in a medium heated oven till golden.
* As for the syrup mix sugar and water, heat till it boils, add lemon juice and leave to simmer till it thickens .approximately 20-30 min.leave to cool.
* Add cold syrup on cake when still hot so as to be well absorbed .

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New Tooth Dessert (سنونيه)


Hello everybody.

Today’s dessert is a very old traditional one that’s usually done when a baby’s first tooth appears and since my adorable nephew’s new tiny one appeared I made some and distributed a dish to neighbors and friends as the custom says.

Don’t really know why or who’s behind this tradition,guess it’s Lebanese.Main ingredient is pealed wheat soaked and cooked well till tender then you add sugar,spices and nuts for decoration.

Some people make this dish during Winter time after Christmas in a specific day or celebration called Saint Barbara .

Ingredients and method:

* 1 kg of pealed wheat ( قمح مقشور).

* 1 cup sugar.

* 1 tablespoon cinnamon.

* 1 cup raisins.

* 1 tablespoon ground anise.

* 1 tsp ground fennel (optional)

* coconut,sweetened anise seed,candy and nuts (for decorating the top)

* boil the wheat either in a pressure cooker or regular pan till done and water is little and thick.

* add cinnamon,anise,sugar and raisins and leave to boil for another 20-30 minutes on very low heat till all mixture is syrupy and thick.

* pour in small or big dishes as you prefer and garnish with coconuts,candied anise ( قمبز) or any kind of candy or nuts.





خبيصه بالعنب.

مساء الخير.
وصفه خبيصه العنب بما انه  موسم والعنب متواجد بكثره

10 اكواب عصير عنب مصفى  .

كوب سكر.
كوب سميد ناعم.
21/2 ملعقه كبيره يانسون مطحون.
2 ملعقه من كل من سمسم، قزحه وحبوب قريش ان وجد.
2 ملعقة كبيره لوز مطحون.

* تمزج المقادير جميعها في طنجره كبيره وتغلى على نار متوسطة حتى يصبح المزيج كثيف.
* يصب المزيج في صينيه واسعه على فوطه خفيفه ونظيفه.
* يترك في الشمس لمده 3-5ايام حتى يجف تماما
*تقطع الخبيصه الى مربعات وتحفظ في وعاء محكم الغلق.
ملاحظه: وضع قماش خفيف او اي اداه لتغطية المزيج لحمياته من الغبار والحشرات.
*ممكن عمل الخبيصه رقيقة جدا وعملها رولات عندما تجف.



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Preserved Grape Dessert (خبيصه عنب)

Hello everybody.

Did you ever thought of what to do with all the grapes that ripene all at once on your vine tree?  Well of course you can make juice, raisins, vinegar or simply give aways to family and friends.

A very very old way that our late grandmas used to preserve excessive amounts of grapes is making this kind of dessert that can be kept without any damage throughout Winter season, nice energetic dessert.

In Arabic it’s called “Khabissa “خبيصه. It’s done a lot till now in Jordan specially in Northern Villages were they grow very good grapes all over.

In Greece and Cyprus they do something similar called Soujouka, usually done with nuts wrapped in grape juice or pomegranate or kharoub.Thought to try doing some today but found it a bit difficult so I’ll stick to old Jordanian way this time.

Ingredients and method :
# 10 cups of sieved fresh grape juice.
# 1 cup fine semolina.
# 1 cup sugar.
# 2 1/2 tablespoons anise powder.
# 2 tablespoons Areesh seeds ( don’t know what’s the English name for it, it’s a kind of seed)
# 1 tablespoon sesame seeds.
# 1 tablespoon black seeds.
# 2 tablespoons crushed almonds.

# mix all ingredients well together and bring to a boil till it thickens.
# pour and spread mixture in a wide pan over a clean thin cloth.
# leave in the sun for 3-5 days till it’s really dry.
# cover with any kind of cloth or tool to keep away bugs and dust.
# cut to squares and keep in a well closed jar.

Note: you can make this like very thin sheets and roll them when dried or as cubes depending on your liking.

Will post photos of end up results later on.



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wpid-wp-1440681006578.jpg  boiled mixture.

wpid-wp-1440680999569.jpg covered and set in the sun.






Muhalabieh With A Twist.

Hello everybody.

Upon several request I did the caramel muhalabieh or pudding today,a quite cool light delicious dessert.


This time I thought why not give it a twist which is serving it with caramel dipped figs,result was amazing both in looks and taste ,really yummy:)

Ingredients and method:

Note :this quantity yields 12 small jars or pots.

* 6 cups milk.

* 6 big tablespoons starch.

* 1 tsp mistaka finely crushed with 1/4 cup sugar so as not to stick to the grinder.

* 1 tsp rose water (optional)

* more sugar also optional cause the caramel sauce is sweet.

* leave one or two cups of milk aside and mix starch in them very well.

* add to other quantity,mix all very well then boil till it thickens.

* add mistaka and sugar and the rose water.

* pour in one big bowl or small glass bowls or jars.

* cool in the fridge for at 2-3 hours .



* 1/2 cup sugar melted till caramelized and golden.

* 1/2 cup water added very carefully to the browned sugar.

* stir very well and leave to simmer a bit till it’s thick.

* Before serving flip the muhalabieh in a slightly deep dish then garnish with crushed pistachios and drizzle with the caramel sauce.

مساء الخير.
اليكم مقادير وطريقة المهلبية بالكراميل

٦ اكواب حليب

سته ملاعق كبيره نشا

ملعقه صغيره مستكه مدقوقه مع ربع الى نصف كوب سكر

ماء زهر حسب الرغبه.

يذوب النشا بمقدار كوب الى كوب ونص من الحليب المستعمل ثم يضاف الى بقيه الحليب ويغلى حتي يكثف.
يضاف المستكه والسكر وماء الزهر ويحرك جيدا.
يصب في وعاء غميق او زبادي ويترك في الثلاجة من ساعتين الى ثلاثه.

الكراميل :
يذوب نصف كوب سكر حتى ينحرق ويصبح لونه ذهبي ثم نضيف نص كوب ماء بحذر لان حراره السكر عاليه جدا.
يحرك جيدا ويترك ليغلي خمس دقائق على نار هادئة.

عند التقديم تقلب المهلبيه في صحن وتزين بالفستق المطحون والكراميل

صحتين وعافيه




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wpid-wp-1440075578592.jpg these are to go for a friend .

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Hello everybody.
Have a gathering this evening for my sister in-law’s family so I prepared several things one of them is teramisu since I have some mascarpon cheese fresh from Italy that I’d rather use before it’s spoiled.

Cause I don’t prefer using raw eggs though the original recipe requires it, I substituted it with a pack of cream caramel powder, gave it the same color and texture and result was super.

You can find many recipes for it,here’s one option that is very tasty

* 2 packs whipping cream.

*2 packs kiri or cream cheese.

* 1 can condensed milk (or cream and 1/4 cup sugar)

* lady fingers biscuits.

* Nescafe ( 1 big spoon dissolved in 3/4 cup warm water)

* mix cream,condensed milk and cheese together very well.

* arrange biscuits in a deep serving dish then soak them in coffee mixture. * add half of cream mixture then repeat process. * refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

* sprinkle cocoa powder on top.

Or the one I made today:

* 200 gm Mascarpon cheese.

* 6 pieces Kiri.

* 1 sachet whipping cream ( Dream Whip).

* 1 pack of cream caramel powder.

* 1 1/2 pack lady fingers biscuits.

* strong espresso or Nescafe.

* beat cheeses and cream very well till smooth then layer biscuits topped with coffee then cream in a pyrex or any mold you like.

* cool in fridge for 3-4 hours or overnight.

wpid-wp-1439734309029.jpg perfect this time.

wpid-wp-1439734334639.jpg cream,coffee and biscuits.

wpid-wp-1439734347064.jpg wpid-wp-1439734360273.jpg layering.

wpid-wp-1439734370919.jpg before cooling.




I also did Muhalabieh with caramel  and sliced some fruits.

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Appetizers will be spinach tabouleh, falafel rolls and Suborek ( turkish cheese pastries)



Welcome everybody.

No Bake Chocolate Slice.

Hello everybody.

Going to visit my friend this afternoon so I thought a nice desert would be nice.

I have this easy quick recipe that I have all its ingredients.

Ingredients and method :
# 1 pack marshmallows. (200 gm)
# 2 tablespoons butter.
# 2 tablespoons water.
# 1 bar or 1 cup cooking chocolate.
# 1 pack plain biscuits crushed.
# 1/2 cup cherries.
# 1/2 cup walnuts.

# In a nonstick pan heat melt marshmallows, water and butter.
# when all melted add the chocolate.
# crush the biscuits add cherries, walnuts and melted marshmallows chocolate mix.
# mix all together and pour all in a mold or loaf pan.
# leave to cool in the fridge for several hours.
# flip over and decorate with melted chocolate or crushed biscuits.



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wpid-wp-1439227200753.jpg mixture in mold.

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Pina Colada Granita.

Hello again.

Had some fresh pineapples in the fridge that nobody wants to eat so it clicked my mind to make it granitta style and added some coconuts to give it a kick ,how about that?

Result was super refreshing yummy.



* 1/2 cup sugar.

* 1/2 cup water.

* 2 cups pineapples.

* 1/2 cup coconuts.

* juice of half a lemon.

* 10 ice cubes.

* heat sugar and water till dissolved and leave to simmer for 3 minutes then cool and add ice cubes,

* process pineapples,coconuts together then add syrup.

* pour all in a metal pan and in the freezer.

* start scrapping the mixture after one hour then every once in a while till all is slushy.


Very easy,healthy and delicious.

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