مهلبيه بالكراميل.

مساء الخير.
اليكم مقادير وطريقة المهلبية بالكراميل

٦ اكواب حليب

سته ملاعق كبيره نشا

ملعقه صغيره مستكه مدقوقه مع ربع الى نصف كوب سكر

ماء زهر حسب الرغبه.

يذوب النشا بمقدار كوب الى كوب ونص من الحليب المستعمل ثم يضاف الى بقيه الحليب ويغلى حتي يكثف.
يضاف المستكه والسكر وماء الزهر ويحرك جيدا.
يصب في وعاء غميق او زبادي ويترك في الثلاجة من ساعتين الى ثلاثه.

الكراميل :
يذوب نصف كوب سكر حتى ينحرق ويصبح لونه ذهبي ثم نضيف نص كوب ماء بحذر لان حراره السكر عاليه جدا.
يحرك جيدا ويترك ليغلي خمس دقائق على نار هادئة.

عند التقديم تقلب المهلبيه في صحن وتزين بالفستق المطحون والكراميل

صحتين وعافيه


Muhalabieh with Caramel.



Hello everybody.


Had this recipe in my book since Ramadan,a friend of mine made it and I took it right away in order to make it then but I didn’t have any chance,so today when the milkman came it crossed my mind and I bought some fresh milk and did it at last.


Very easy cooling recipe and the caramel adds a lot to the taste for sure.


Ingredients and method:

Note :this quantity yields 12 small jars or pots.

* 6 cups milk.

* 6 big tablespoons starch.

* 1 tsp mistaka finely crushed with 1/4 cup sugar so as not to stick to the grinder.

* 1 tsp rose water (optional)

* more sugar also optional cause the caramel sauce is sweet.

* leave one or two cups of milk aside and mix starch in them very well.

* add to other quantity,mix all very well then boil till it thickens.

* add mistaka and sugar and the rose water.

* pour in one big bowl or small glass bowls or jars.

* cool in the fridge for at 2-3 hours .



* 1/2 cup sugar melted till caramelized and golden.

* 1/2 cup water added very carefully to the browned sugar.

* stir very well and leave to simmer a bit till it’s thick.

* Before serving flip the muhalabieh in a slightly deep dish then garnish with crushed pistachios and drizzle with the caramel sauce.



Watermelon Granitta.

Hello everybody.

As I mentioned and I seriously mean it I’ll try to make as much as I can of granitta flavors this Summer.

Today’s pick is watermelon,upon my son’s advice which turned out a big add up to the recipe I added some cranberry juice, soooo yummy.

Ingredients and method :
# 4 cups of watermelon cubes.
# 1/2 cup of sugar.
# juice of half a lemon.
# 1/2 cup cranberry or berry juice ( optional)
# mix all ingredients in the blender.
# pour in a big metal pan.
# freeze for 1 hour then start scrapping edges every now and then till you get crystals or slushy mixture.

Enjoy this amazing world of iced desserts, I’m so sorry I didn’t know about it long time ago. One really live and learn.


wpid-wp-1438273359831.jpg wpid-wp-1438273374084.jpg so good please try it.



Baclava Cheesecake.بقلاوة تشيزكيك

Hello again.

A member in banancooking posted this dessert last night and directly I thought why not do it today since I have a family gathering.


Very easy specially if you have all ingredients.


Ingredients and method:

* crushed biscuits with butter for the crust.

* filling:

* 3 packs cream cheese.

* 4 eggs.

* 3/4 cup sugar.

* 1/2 cup milk.

* 1/2 cup flour.

* 1/3 cup labaneh.

* 1 tsp vanilla.


* 1 cup crushed walnuts and almonds.

* syrup: 1 1/2 cups sugar,1 cup honey,1 cup water,1 tsp cinnamon all boiled together till thick.

* 4 sheets phyllo pastry and butter.

* Make crust as usual then put in in cheesecake pan.

* Mix filling ingredients all together for 7 minutes.

* add over crust then mix nuts with half the syrup and add it as gallops on the filling.

* cover with phyllo pastry coated with butter and some of the nuts mixture if you like.

* bake in a medium heated oven for &0 minutes in a water bath pan.

* cool in fridge and serve with rest of the syrup.


طبقة البسكوت المعتادة ( زبدة و بسكوت)
ال syrup كاسة و نص سكر، كاسة عسل، كاسة مي، معلقة قرفة صغيرة مليانة ( بتنعمل عالنار لتعقد شوي)
الحشوة: كوب جوز و لوز مطحون مع نص كاسة من السيرب

التشيز كيك: ٣ علب فيلادلفيا، ٤ بيض، تلت ارباع كاسة سكر، نص كاسة حليب، نص كاسة طحين، تلت كاسة لبنة، معلقة صغيرة فانيلا. كل خاي المكونات مع بعض عالخلاط يدون ترتيب معين لسبع دقايق يتندار فوق طبقة البسكوت و بعدين بنحط من حشوة الجوز معالق صغيرة مفرقة عخليط الجبنة.
بعدين طبقة عجينة بقلاوة و تدهن زبدة و تكرر ٤ طبقات، بعدين طبقة جوز اختياري بعدين طبقة عجينة و تدهن زبدة.
تحبز بحمام مي عحرارة ١٥٠-١٧٠ طبقة وسط يالفرن ٧٠ دقيقة


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مقروطه بالتمر

* 5 كاسات طحين ابيض
4 كاسات طحين اسمر
* 1 كوب زيت نباتي
* 1 كوب زيت زيتون
* 1 كوب سمنه او زبده
* 2-3 باكيت تمر مطحون

* 1/2 كوب سكر

* .1 ملعقه صغيره بايكربونات
* يانسون 2 ملعقه كبيره يانسون مطحون
.1 ملعقه كبيره شومر مطحون
* .1 ملعقه كبيره قرفه
* 2-3  ملعقه كبيره سسمسم وقزحه
* 1محلب ملعقه صغيره
*     تخلط جميع المقادير مع بعض جيدا قبل بليله او على الاقل 4-5 ساعات ما عدا التمر طبعا ويفرك الطحين جيدا بالزيت والسمنه

*( يرش التمر ياليانسون والفرقه والهيل ويفرد بين نايلون ويرق ليصبح طبقه رقيقه جدا( استعيني بزيت الزيتون على النليلون حتى لا يلزق التمر

* يضاف ماء فاتر بالتريج الى العجينه حتى تصبح متماسكه وطريه

* ترق العجينه بنفس طريقه التمر بين النايلون

* (توضع طبفه التمر فوق العجينه برفق وتلف رول (لفتين  فقط

* تقطع الرول الى قطع صغيره وتصف في الصواني

* يزين الوجه بواسطه سكين

* تشوى في فرن متوسط الحراره حتى تحمر

* تحفظ في علب محكمه حتى لا تنشف


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Crispy Caramel Bites.

Hello everybody.
Another dessert done yesterday was this super easy recipe I’ve learned from a friend couple of years ago.

You know the typical ready samboosek dough?  Well you only have to cut it lengthwise fold it like a butterfly then stick it with some water. Deep fry then sprinkle with cinnamon and icing sugar.

Served with caramel sauce which is caramelized sugar with some water and heavy cream all whisked well together.

Very easy and delicious dish.







Pistachio Dessert (مفروكه فستق)

Hello everybody.

Have guests coming tonight so I prepared some sweets,nuts and fruits.

Got this recipe from a friend since beginning of Ramadan and hadn’t got the chance to do it till now,hope it’ll taste good, usually done in Mediterranean restaurants specially Lebanese.

Ingredients are very simple :
# 1 cup knafeh dough processed to fine pieces.
# 2 cups finely chopped pistachios.
# 2 tablespoons butter.
# 1/2 cup icing sugar.
#3 tablespoons sugar syrup.
# 1 tsp rose water.
# fresh cream.
# roast knafeh dough a bit till golden.
# in food processor mix all ingredients together till you get a smooth dough.
# spread in a Pyrex or in molds the shape you like.
# add fresh cream ( قشطه بلدية) on top.
# cool in fridge till served.

wpid-20150708_185217.jpg elegant dessert right?

wpid-20150708_185340.jpg wpid-20150708_185244.jpg



Knafeh Cheesecake.

Hello everybody.

Invited to my sister in-law’s for Iftar today, promised her to make something sweet so I kept searching for something new and suitable for Ramadan as well.

Then it hit me,remembered this awesome dessert we always eat at Haneen Cafe which is knafeh cheesecake, stylish eastern western kind of dessert and luckily it turned out to be easy and light.

Looks good and yummy but we’ll have to wait till after we eat to decide.

Ingredients and method :
For the crust :
# 1 pack digestive biscuits.
# 1/2 cup butter.
# 1 tsp cinnamon (optional)

For the filling :
# 2 packs yogurt ( 1 big cup)
# 6 pieces Kiri or pack cream cheese.
# 1 cup powdered milk.
# 1/2 cup sugar.

#3 tablespoons labaneh

#2 eggs

#3 tablespoons flour
# 1 tsp vanilla.

Topping :
# 1 1/2 cups knafeh dough( عجينه كنافه)
# 1/2 cup melted butter.
# orange food coloring.
# some pistachios.
# syrup when served.

# mix crust ingredients well, crushed biscuits, butter and cinnamon
# press in a spring pan then freeze for 30 minutes
# mix filling ingredients well alternatively.

#pour over crust then bake in a medium heated oven

#wrap baking tin with foil and bake in

a water bath

# meanwhile mix knafeh dough, butter and orange color well with your hands.
# spread over filling and roast again till crispy a bit (5-10 minutes)

# keep in fridge 4-5 hours.
# garnish with pistachios and syrup when you serve.


looks yummy !




can’t wait !


amazing result.




highly recommended.

Light No Bake Fruit Cheesecake.

Hello everybody.

It’s Summer time, fruits of various kinds and colors are abundant everywhere, this morning I got some fresh from the farm peaches on my way back from the lovely town Fuheis where we had a nice breakfast.

Back home I decided to try this dessert, kind of my own invention, small cups of no bake cheesecake with fruits on top,so yummy and light great in this hot weather.

Ingredients and method :

# crust :
# 1/2 pack of plain biscuits.
# 2 tablespoons oats.
#2 tablespoons coconut.
# 1 big tablespoon butter.
# 1 tsp jam.

Mix all these together till crumbly.

# cheese layer :
# 1 pack cream cheese.
# 1 pack cream ( قشطه)
# 1/2 cup caster sugar.
# 1 tablespoon butter.
# 2 tablespoons labaneh.

Mix all ingredients together till creamy.

# put some crust in small bowls or cups.
# add cheese filling.
# top with any fruits you like.
# keep in fridge for couple of hours then serve.

Oh and lunch was regular kofta with vegetables and a big salad.

wpid-20150609_150825.jpg wpid-20150609_150735.jpg

wpid-20150609_151006.jpg elegant for a dinner or lunch party.






Try it,really good you won’t regret.

Soft Pretzels.

Hello everybody.

Stayed home today,a relief after busy days and a chance to put away heavy clothes and boots, hoping that no more cold rainy days are coming.

Since I have leftovers for lunch from yesterday which was fresh new baby string beans in olive oil and I had time before lunch I tried this recipe, been searching for the most suitable and light one for a while and did this with slight changes.

I also made a simple cake since the oven is on and hot,been craving it since I made it for my brother’s colleagues last week.

Ingredients and method :
* 1 1/4 cups warm water.
* 2 tablespoons instant yeast.
* 1 tablespoon sugar
* 5 cups flour.
* 1 tsp salt.
* 1 tablespoon butter.
* 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.
* 1/2 cup baking soda.
* 4 cups boiled water.
* 1 egg yolk.
* some kosher or coarse salt.
* some melted butter.

* mix water, yeast, sugar till bubbly.
* mix flour, salt, butter and oil.
* add water yeast mixture and knead well.
* leave to rise for 40-50 minutes.
* make long ropes from the dough, this quantity makes 10-12.
* shape them into Pretzels.
* mix soda with hot water then dip each pretzel into it for few seconds.
* line them in a floured pan.
* brush with egg yolk then sprinkle with salt.
* leave to rise again then bake in a medium heated oven for 10-15 minutes.
* brush with a bit of butter to keep them shining then roast till golden.

Turned out amazingly delicious, kids loved them.

wpid-20150427_170623.jpg lovely !

wpid-20150427_154450.jpg so easy to do dough.

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wpid-20150427_161740.jpg ready to go.


wpid-20150427_163308.jpg wpid-20150427_162728.jpg lunch and dessert.

wpid-20150427_170508.jpg will definitely do them again.







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