What a Weekend !!

Hello everybody.

What a crazy busy full of events weekend, actually events started since Thursday where we had a Mansaf on the honor of our lovely cousin coming back home from Germany and on the occasion of my son’s 20’th birthday the next day, was followed by brownies and ice cream for dessert. Then dinner invitation at my auntie’s house .

Friday morning we all gathered for breakfast, usual Friday menu. Afternoon we went to Irbid for Caraway at my husband’s cousin to congratulate her for the new baby boy, then went to my cousin’s house for a big family gathering as a farewell for those leaving back after the vacation, we had Knafeh and a big cake on the occasions of both my dear twin cousin’s birthday and wife of one of them. It was a very nice party full of love <3

Today I helped my dear friend baking cookies for a party she’s holding,I made her chocolate chip  and oatmeal raisin cookies and cupcakes .

Lunch was my son’s favorite burgers with onions and mushrooms, above all this I made fig jam and as usual went grocery shopping !!

Am I right or not that this weekend was crazy??

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20140822_212020  20140822_21321220140823_134745 you can feel the hot weather in this photo !


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