Homemade Fried Chicken.

Hello everybody.

Plan was to make burgers today but after a chat with my cousin last night who said she’ll make fried chicken today I decided to do the same specially after finding fresh small drumsticks in Miles this morning.

I marinated chicken in  a mix of yogurt,milk,garlic,salt,pepper,chili powder, oregano and mixed spices, left them for 2 hours then remove and coat with breadcrumbs and flour. Freeze them for half and hour then deep fry in hot oil.

To complete the crime I fried some curly potatoes and made three dipping sauces,honey mustard,mayo-ketchup and BBQ .

Though this is a high calorie a bit greasy meal but it won’t hurt to make it once in a while plus it was really better than any ready one bought from fast food restaurants and much more cleaner and well spiced for sure.

Enjoy your weekend everybody.






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Double Chocolate Cupcakes.

Hello everybody.
Gloomy dark day,just hate when the sun is not out.

Lunch was courgettes in cooked yogurt (ablama كوسا مخشي) , suitable in this cold weather.

I also did these amazing amazing cupcakes maybe they’ll cheer up the mood. I have this box of chocolates,a gift from a dear friend and a pack of ready mix chocolate cake. I saw this done on the net once thought I’d try it before I end up eating the whole box of chocolate alone.
You simply mix cake as directed then fill half a cupcake with battery add the round chocolate then add another quantity and bake.
They were supposed to be more like molten chocolate but maybe kind I used is too smooth that it sank down but nevertheless it made a crunchy crust,shooo yummy with some ice cream.






Courgettes in cooked yogurt.


Cha3acheel ( brown lentils in yogurt ) شعاشيل.

Hello everybody.

I’m sure many of you are asking what is this you’re talking about? I know it’s a weird name for lots of people, even strange to some living in Jordan cause it’s a traditional very old dish from Irbid region North of Jordan.

My mom never did it  cause she doesn’t like anything that contains lots of eggs in it,personally I started doing it only recently,took the recipe from my dear aunt Eman, it’s a kind of dish you make once or twice a year usually in Winter or when you have leftover Mansaf (cooked jameed)

In fact it’s a very nutritious meal,full of proteins and herbs, though many find it hard to make or fails sometimes,it may become very loose or hard,the trick is to add enough flour to have the correct consistency.

NOTE: these ingredients are for a big amount,you may use half of it according to quantity you want.

Ingredients and method:

* 12 eggs.

* 5 cups flour (half whole wheat and half white)

*1 finely chopped onion.

* 1/2 cup fresh green thyme.

* 1 bunch chopped parsley.

* 1 tsp baking powder.

* 1 cup cooked brown lentils.

* 1 tablespoon dried thyme,salt and pepper.

* cooked yogurt or Jameed .


* Mix 1/2 the lentils,eggs,parsley,fresh and dry thyme,salt and pepper.

* saute onions till soft then add to mix.

* add flour gradually and mix well till you have a sticky dough ( not hard nor soft).

* boil the yogurt with the rest of the lentils.

* boil some salted water then drop a tablespoonful of the dough in it,it’ll directly form a stiff ball, if it crumbled or didn’t hold together this means you need to add more flour.

* remove balls as soon as they float to the top then leave to dry on paper towel.

* drop them in the yogurt while boiling then leave to simmer on low heat for 40-50 minutes.


Hope you try it some day!

مقادير وطريقه عمل الشعاشيل:

(مقادير لكميه كبيره, طبعا يمكن استعمال نصفها حسب العدد)

* 12 بيضه.

* 5 كاسات طحين, نصف اسمر بلدي ونصف ابيض.

* بصله مفرومه ناعم.

*كاسه عدس مسلوق.

* 1ظ2 كاسه زعتر اخضر.

* بقدونس مفروم ناعم.

*1 ملعقه باكينغ باودر.

* ملح وفلفل حسب الرغيه.

*جميد او لبن مطبوخ

* تحمس البصله في شويه زيت حتى تذبل.

* تخلط المقادير مع البصله ثم يضاف الطحين حتى يصبح الخليط كالعجينه الطريه.

*ملاحظه: يضاف نصف كوب العدس الى الخليط والنصف الاخر الى الجميد

* تغلى ماء مع ملح ثم اسقطي بها مقدار ملعقه كبيره من الخليط, اا1ا لم تتماسك راسا وتصبح كره يعني يجب اضافه طحين.

* انشلي الطابات عندما تطفو الى السطح وعندما تنشف اضيفيهم ال الجميد.

* يغلى على نار هادئه لمده 40-50 دقيقهز

صحه وهنا.



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Roasted Cauliflower.

Hello everybody.

Saw this recipe on my Facebook friend Mary’s timeline thought I’ll try it today,got a tiny cauliflower to do the test,well it turned out really good, light appetizer with a spicy sour taste,though as usual reality is never like the photo posted,Photoshop is so mean sometimes!

You simply marinate a whole cauliflower is yogurt,olive oi,lemon zest and juice ( forgot them in the photo) ,salt,pepper,chili powder and cumin. Then you place it in a deep pan and bake it in a well heated oven till brown and crisp from the outside,serve with green salad or as appetizer.

Well lunch was chicken tikka masala,got a ready mix this time,really good actually!





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Black Forest Cake.

Hello everybody.

I know I said I’m on diet,still holding on honestly, lunch was one cup Mujadara with yogurt and that’s it.

As for the cake,I actually did two today,one plain with chocolate frosting for my cousin who’s resting after a minor operation and the the other chocolate black forest for the afternoon visit at my mother in-law’s cousin who moved to a new house. So I’m not guilty till now right?

Ingredients and method:

* 2 eggs.

* 1 1/2 cups both brown and regular sugar.

* 3/4 cup cocoa.

* 3/4 cup vegetable oil.

* 1 1/4 cup yogurt.

* vanilla and 2 tsp baking powder.

* 1 1/2 cups flour.

* whipping cream and blueberry topping for decoration.


* beat eggs,vanilla and sugar till creamy.

* add cocoa ,oil and yogurt and beat well.

* add baking powder and flour.

* split batter in two round baking pans and bake in a medium heated oven for 30-40 minutes or till done.

* beat the cream and put in fridge till stiff.

* remove cakes from pans and then assemble by adding cream and blueberry in middle and top.

*Note: you can add grated chocolate pieces on top also.




20140902_122530  simple cake with chocolate icing.

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Cheesecake Pots.

Hello everybody.

I’m sure many many moms are delighted today right? Well it’s the first day of school for most students,though I feel sorry for them cause of the heat wave, they’ll all come back home sweaty and tired for sure. Nevertheless it’s back to order and routine, bye bye Summer vacation 🙁

Lunch today was simple Kofta,it’s too hot to do anything more complicated, I even regretted not making pasta with yogurt and mint instead,cooling dish.

I also started preparing for tomorrow’s diner party,made these cute cheesecake pots,very easy light recipe I have from an old magazine, they’ll be nice dessert after dinner.


Ingredients and method:

* digestive biscuits.

* 1 spoon butter.

* some strawberry jam.

* 1 can carnation ( condensed milk)

* 1 pick whipping cream.

* 1/2 cup plain yogurt.

* 1 pack cream cheese.

* juice and zest of one lemon.

* strawberry or cherry topping.

* crush the biscuits and rub in the butter till crumbly.

* divide the amount in glasses or pots.

* add small spoon of jam on top of biscuits.

* mix all other ingredients till creamy.

* add over biscuits then leave to cool in the fridge.

* decorate top with strawberry or cherry topping (will do that tomorrow)



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Up to Hometown Huwwara :)

Hello everybody.

Had a marvelous day, me and mom headed up North this morning and visited many relatives and as usual ate lots of food 😉

First stop was at my new fb friend and cousin for breakfast and a cup of coffee,all delicious and we had such a great time catching up and knowing each other face to face,a real pleasure. Visit ended with a superb piece of Teramisu since my cousin lives in Rome so she’s an expert,really yummy.

Thank you dear Rita for your hospitality,hope to see you soon before you leave.


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Then next visit was to my lovely colleagues and best cousins for lunch,we had rice with fava beans with salad and Irbid yogurt of course. Ha great time as usual 🙂

Trip ended by paying condolences for a relative then a must buying labaneh and yogurt on our way back from Husson.

Very nice day indeed <3


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Back to Daily Routine :)

Hello everybody.

First day of work after a long vacation and a whole month of fasting,back to daily routine at last,we’ll be more in order when school starts next month !

Well today Tawjihi results were announced,congratulations to all who passed and hard luck for those who didn’t. Traffic was crazy today as usual,went to deliver Date Rolls to my cousin,took me an hour on the road.

Lunch was kibbeh in cooked yogurt,easy quick dish,specially when you have them frozen,cook the yogurt,dip them then leave to cook till done.that’s it!!


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Kebabs and Appetizers.

Hello everybody.

Woke up late today with no idea what to cook,after searching through the previous posts decided to make homemade Kebabs and the usual salads and appetizers I make with them.

I made roasted tomatoes with chili and garlic ,yogurt with mint and oregano, avocado dip,french fries and a green salad.

I also made some  vegetable kebabs,really yummy !!

Dessert was assorted fruits,fresh pineapple,cactus fruits and many more .




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Ramadan Kareem.

Hello everybody.

Ramadan Kareem  family and friends,though this holy month must be spiritual,full of prayers and good will,but as usual all housewives face a big dilemma each day,what to cook? who to please? is it enough? need more kinds? who to invite? make qatayef or no? each member will start asking for certain dishes and cravings.

Best thing to do in Ramadan though hard to apply is to decrease  quantity you usually cook so as not to have many leftovers,plus try to make all your grocery shopping once a week to minimize the effort and time. Well as I said this might not work out everyday but worth trying.

I will post what I cooked everyday after Maghreb to give you ideas about what to make the next day,hope you all go through this month with good health and less tiring work in the kitchen,I think moms or whoever is the one responsible for feeding the family specially at this time of the year,deserves a prize cause each year everybody I know starts with a decision not to cook a lot and eat less cause of the heat and high prices but you’ll always find full tables and full lines in supermarkets and exhausted moms ,God bless you all moms and dads in the Muslim world.


As for today,a tradition since long time ago,first day begins with stuffed vine leaves and courgettes with yogurt and cucumber salad,fatoush,lentil soup,some sambousek and a must to my son mushroom soup . though many families believe specially in my family that you must cook something white the first day like mansaf,or anything cook in yogurt but it’s not a must,well I made cucumber with yogurt,guess this is white enough 🙂

Dessert is QATAYEF stuffed with walnuts and cheese,I usually bring the small ones that’re supposed to be stuffed with cream and put each pair together,they look cute and small in size. I dip each one in vegetable oil then bake them in the oven then add syrup on top,yummy yummy!!









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