

Hello everybody.

I know it’s been such a long time since i posted in my  blog, well actually catering and taking orders took lots of my time and effort but I’m back again people, with new recipes more professional photos and lots of enthusiasm and  love.

Will start with this festive full of love Pavlova that i took with me to a friend this morning, topped with cream berries and strawberry sauce.



 Pavlova,a meringue based dessert named after the Russian ballet dancer Anna Pavlova, crisp crust ,soft light inside ,origin of this is debatable between Australia and New Zealand but formal research indicates New Zealand as the source.

Ingredients and method :
* 6 egg whites (at room temperature)
* 1 1/2 cups sugar.
* 1/2 tsp lemon juice.
* 1/2 tsp white vinegar.
* 1 tsp vanilla.
* 2 table spoons corn flour.


* whisk egg whites till frothy white and stiff. (6-7 minutes)
* add sugar gradually then rest of ingredients.
* on a piece of wax paper drop the mixture in a heap circular shape and try to make peaks.
* bake in a low heated oven for 1 1/2 hours.
* keep the pavlova in the oven till it cools completely.
* beat 1 pack of fresh cream with a pack of whipping cream or sugar till it double in size.
* top cream over pavlova then add fruits like strawberries, kiwi,pomegranate or berries then serve immediately.



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