Weekend Events

Hello everybody.

Full busy weekend as usual, best thing about it is the warm sunny weather, we even had lunch outdoors today.

Yesterday’s lunch was spaghetti with tomato sauce, minced meat and mushrooms,then we had guests coming in the evening so I made a simple basic cake, another batch of walnut cookies and a colorful cheese veggies platter.

This morning I went to a lovely farmer’s market, got a bunch of fresh basil which means pesto sauce was done immediately then lunch was crunchy chicken breasts, Nigella Lawsin’s recipe again, a big bowl of fatoush and a delicious Caprese salad.

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend as well.












Crunchy Chicken ( Nigella Lawson Recipe).



Hello everybody.

Just had our late lunch or rather dinner you can say, it was a delicious selection of dishes, crunchy chicken which is a recipe I saw on Fatafeat cooking channel , cheese and olives puffs a recipe from my lovely friend Rula and roca salad.


As I saw chicken recipe on Chef Nigella Lawson’s show the other night , so easy and looked yummy and all was proved today.

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Ingredients and method:

*4 pieces chicken breasts.

* 1 egg.

* 2 tablespoons mustard.

*1 tsp salt.

*1 tsp cinnamon.

*1 tsp chili flakes.

*1 tsp garlic powder or chopped garlic .

*2 cups crushed cornflakes.

*some oil for frying the chicken.



*beat chicken breasts till flat and thin.

mix mustard , egg ,spices and salt well.

* Dip chicken in mixture in both sides.

*cover with cornflakes .

* you can saute in hot oil on both sides immediately or freeze then for 30 minutes before better.

*Serve with any salad or sauteed veggies.



As for the cheese olive puffs, recipe with full details are in this link, made two pans one with olives the other without.

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