Jamie Oliver’s Ginger Lemonade.


Hello again.

Made this refreshing juice this afternoon, a recipe I saw in one of Jamie Oliver’s tv shows, very cooling in this hot weather.

You simply mix together son=me grated fresh ginger,lemon juice and slices,mints and brown sugar then add some hot water to dissolve sugar then before serving add cold sparkling water.

Very nice one try it.

wpid-wp-1442077788489.jpg fresh nutritious ingredients.








Pickled Stuffed Peppers.

Hello everybody.

Though I felt like I’m an old lady doing these cause they’re related to my late grandmas in some kind of way, these pickles were a must in every household long time ago, done usually this time of year when tomatoes and peppers are abundant to be preserved for winter time.

It’s a very easy procedure specially if you’re not making massive amounts like old times, I clearly remember large glass preserving pots all set up to be kept inside cupboards along with makdous and olives.

You simply cut pepper stems and remove seeds as much as you can then stuff them with hard chopped tomatoes, minced garlic and dry mint. Close and arrange in a pot then add brine which is a big tablespoon of salt to each cup of water. Then add one tablespoon of vinegar and one chili pepper if you like.

I added some olive oil on top to prevent fermentation .

Close and leave for 3-4  weeks till it’s done,you can serve it with labaneh or cheese as you wish.



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Lemon Granita.

Hello everybody.

Another Granita trial today, lemon flavor and I think this is the best one till now.

Ingredients :
# 1 cup sugar.
# 3 cups water.
# juice of two lemons.
# 1 tablespoon lemon zest.
# bunch of fresh mint.

#boil sugar and water till all dissolved.
# add lemon zest and mint,leave to simmer for 3 minutes.
# cool a bit then add lemon juice.
# remove mint leaves.
# pour in a metal pan and freeze.
# after one hour start scratching iced parts and continue doing that every 20 minutes till you get a slushy mixture.

# المكونات
3/4 كوب سكر.
3 كوب ماء.
عصير ليمونتين
ملعقه كبيره برش ليمون
بعض اوراق نعنع

يغلى الماء والسكر مع بعض على النار ثم يضاف برش الليمون والنعنع ويترك على نار هادئة لمده ثلاثة دقائق.
نزيل اوراق النعناع ثم يضاف عصير الليمون ويحرك.
يصب في صينيه معدنية ويوضع في الفريزر.
بعد ساعه نبدا بتحريك المزيج بواسطه شوكه ونستمر بعمل نفس العمليه كل 20 دقيقه حتى نحصل على مزيج مثلج او سلاش جامد.ويقدم.



Vegetables Stew (طباخ روحو)

Hello everybody.

This dish is a very very old traditional one, I remember till now that my grandma used to cook it a lot and we all hated it and run away lunch time to buy a falafel sandwich instead. I isn’t kid’s friendly I guess.

But since a have lots of pumpkin, courgettes, eggplants and tomatoes I thought I’d do some though I did it with small cubed meat pieces not big boned ones which is how it’s originally done.

Ingredients and method :
# 4-5 pieces of lamb with bones cooked till done with it’s stock (2-3 cups)
# 3-4 big courgettes cut to chunks
#1 bug eggplant cut to chunks.
# 1 slice of pumpkin or 3 big green pumpkins also cut to chunks.
#1 big onion sliced.
# 4 ripe tomatoes peeled and cut to small pieces.
# 4 cloves of minced garlic.
# 1 tsp dry mints.
# olive oil.
# salt, pepper, all spice.

# in a deep nonstick pan saute courgettes, eggplants and pumpkins till golden.
# add onions and leave to simmer till all veggies are a bit tender.
# add meat pieces and stock.
# season with salt, pepper and all spice to your taste.
# add the tomatoes and cover to cook over low heat till all stewed well together.
# add minced garlic and dry mint and leave for another 15-20 minutes.
# Serve with plain rice.

I also made a bowl of Ceazar salad in case keep kids didn’t like it.

Oh I forgot to mention that the exact translation of this dish Arabic name  is  ” cooked by itself ” cause it does actually!



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Jamie Oliver’s 15 Minutes Tomato Soup.

Hello everybody.

Well it’s Winter all over again with low temperatures and heavy rain as if we’re in mid January. A soup will be perfect specially a chili hot one.

Saw this recipe on TV last week  Jamie Oliver’s 15 minutes meal,I just love this chef, he cooks with a style and makes everything looks easy and yummy like this soup.



Ingredients and method:

For the soup:

* 1 green onion chopped.

* some chopped chives (optional)

* 1 red chili pepper.

* some preserved roasted red peppers ( didn’t have today )

* some chopped fresh coriander.

* 1 can diced tomatoes.

* 3 cups water.

* salt,pepper.

* Saute onions,peppers,chives and coriander with some olive oil.

* add tomatoes and water then season with salt and pepper.

* leave to simmer till done then blend with hand mixer.

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* Toppings and additives:

* Roasted tortillas with melted cheddar cheese.

* chili peppers,coriander, feta cheese and black olives.

* yogurt mixed with fresh mint leaves ( original one contained crushed jalapenos also)

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Upon serving put tortillas in bottom of bowl,add whatever you like from toppings, add soup then drizzle yogurt mint sauce on top.


A  real genuine dish ,we loved it !


Chamomile Ginger Detox Tea.

Hello everybody.
Remember the detox water I did few weeks ago?  Well I’ve been doing it every day now and I really think and feel it’s very useful, gives more energy and freshness.
Yesterday my husband picked a big bunch of chamomile from the farm and I’ve been searching for a good healthy drink that has chamomile in it, search result was this refreshing detox tea, made from freshly grated ginger boiled a bit with hot water then you add some chamomile leaves and leave for few minutes. Pour into a glass with one teaspoon honey,slice of lemon and few fresh mint leaves.
I’m sure most of you know how calming and soothing chamomile is for the nervous and gastrointestinal systems plus it’s great effect on boosting metabolism and immunity. It’s a very good drink in cases of colds and flu and abdominal pains specially in babies

wpid-wp-1426607470529.jpeg aromatic and tasty.

wpid-wp-1426607444100.jpeg freshly cut chamomiles!


Lunch was green beans stew with rice.









Suborek (Turkish Borek).

Hello everybody.

Just got back from a gathering at Mom’s in  the honor of my cousin coming for vacation.

Mom made super delicious stuffed vine leaves and I made this Turkish style borek, very easy to do and extremely yummy,secret is lots of butter used for sure,everything tastes good with butter.
Ingredients and method :
* 2 packs thin phyllo pastry (رقائق الهنا)
*melted butter.
* white and yellow cheese ( I used white cheese, kashcaval and kraft).
* bunch of parsley finely chopped.
* some dry mint.

I also made spinach and feta cheese mix with black pepper and a bit of chili powder.

* grease and deep dish or pan with butter then start adding the pastry layers adding butter between all layers.
* after layering one pack add the stuffing then continue with the other pack.

Note: today I used four packs and made a big pan,half with cheese and half with spinach.

* cut into squares and tuck sides well.
* before putting in the oven beat one egg in 1- 1 1/2 cups milk and add all over.
* bake in a well heated oven for 20 minutes.
* toast surface till golden.

A super yummy dish, felt myself part of a Turkish series while doing it.

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wpid-wp-1425329509293.jpeg wpid-wp-1425329518098.jpeg use the endings to make decoration.

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Stuffed Courgettes and Pulp.

Hello everybody.

Today’s lunch is my oldest son favorite dish ever,stuffed courgettes with tomato sauce.

On the other hand my youngest doesn’t eat it at all so I usually make the pulp with garlic and dry mint cooked in olive oil.

Mash ‘Allah all was wiped out in minutes.



Here’s the method again :

*Wash them from inside with salted water then stuff them with the same filling as cabbages, but be careful to leave an empty inch from top so as rice will fill it when done.
*Make a tomato sauce of fresh tomatoes, paste, small onion, some cloves of garlic and a cube if chicken stock.
*Boil the sauce, dip the courgettes and eggplants,, you can stuff green peppers also by the way.
*Boil for 10-15 minutes then leave to simmer for 1 hour on low heat.
*Add some dried mint powder to the sauce, it’ll give a nice aroma.

Detox Water and Couscous Salad.

Hello everybody.

Very busy Saturday as usual,too much was done today.

In an attempt to cut down food or at least try to start a diet  I made a big jug of detox water,recipe was shown on Roya TV you simply add two slices of lemons,oranges, one strawberry and a bunch of fresh mint leaves, I also added some ginger slices and rose water. Leave to diffuse for two hours then start drinking from it all day. It’s excellent for cleansing your body from all toxins.

Lunch was pizza and a bowl of couscous salad, this one is simply done by adding hot water to 1/2 cup of Italian couscous till it’s light,tender and fluffy then add it to your regular salad, really yummy.

wpid-wp-1425152354056.jpeg so refreshing.

wpid-wp-1425152308632.jpeg couscous salad.

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After Eight Cake.

Hello everybody.

Busy Saturday as usual,many errands and work at home plus cooking and baking a cake, but all was done by time to go to the gathering at my uncle’s house.

I promised my auntie to bring something sweet and after searching a lot for something new and different ended up taking this recipe from my dear friend Ola,turned out really yummy everybody loved it.

Lunch was chicken curry and chicken giblets ( قوانص).

DSC_0457 DSC_0455chicken curry and giblets.

Ingredients and method:

* 3 eggs.

* 1 cup sugar.

* 1/2 cup vegetable oil.

* 8 small spoons cocoa.

* 2 tsp baking powder.

* 1/2 tsp bicarbonate.

* 1 big spoon peppermint essence.

* 1 1/2 cup flour.

* 1 cup boiled water.

* 1 pack After Eight.

* 1 pack cream.


* Beat sugar and oil well till creamy then add eggs,vanilla,mint,cocoa, baking powder, soda and flour.

* In a small baking greased baking pan pour batter and directly add a cup of boiled water on top.

* bake in a medium heated oven for 35-45 minutes or till surface and center are dry.

* On a water bath melt 10-15  After Eight pieces and whisk till they melt then add the cream and mix well.

* when cake is cooled cover with minty ganache and decorate as you like.


Afternoon gathering was nice as usual,we had tabouleh,yalanji,chicken pastries,oregano loaf, salad and cheese cake all yummy yummy 🙂

20150131_154219  Minty chocolate cake.


DSC_0438DSC_0440 boiling water on top.


DSC_0446  crispy surface.

DSC_0452  a perfect cake for sure.







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