Today we’re mansaffing as we usually say…actually my mother in law is the expert in cooking it…and today she invited her friends upon their request.
To those who don’t know it.Mansaf is the traditional dish of Jordan.’s usually done in all ceremonies….and considered a trade mark in all Jordanian houses from north to south.
Every tourist or guest must try it…you can find it in the menu of many local restaurants…and we have many catering agencies who are specialists in doing it….
Many people specially men love to eat it by has a special way to do it….making a ball in your hand from a mixture of jameed (kind of yoghurt) rice and meat…then eat it.
Basic ingredients are jameed(جميد)
.large pieces of lamb meat.rice.local ghee..rosted almonds and pine nuts.
Well jameed is made from dried yoghurt which is originally made from sheep milk…it has special techniques to be done…we usually buy from special places or farms…most famous city producing the best jameed in Jordan is Karak.a city located in the south,, but you can find many stores selling it all over Jordan.
Jameed looks like a white hard ball..and can be stored in a cool place without getting ruined….we usually buy it in spring time…and store it to use all year round.
Before cooking you must break it to small pieces..wash it to remove excess salt and soak it in water all night..then mix it well in blender..use a sieve to remove small hard pieces…add water and some meat broth then boil and keep to simmer…
Meat must be washed….rubbed with salt and pepper. ..and boiled with some onions.bay leaves.pepper ..cardamom seeds.till tender.some people cook it in pressure cooker and some in a regular large pan.
When done..meat is dipped in jameed mixture and leave to simmer gently .
Rice is cooked as usual but in case of mansaf
local ghee is used….also made in a diffrent way than normal ghee bought in stores…usually from same farms or local shops that sell jameed.
Almonds and pine nuts are toasted till golden in the same type of ghee…you can use vegetable oil or light ghee…but the local one is much tastier.
Upon serving meat is removed then arranged over a heap of rice…usually in a big serving tray.then you sprinkle almonds and pine nuts on it.
Some people put pieces of large bread (خبز شراك ) under the rice.. optional of course.
There are special kinds of appetizers usually served with it…like onions olives colored sweet peppers,reddish.and onions soaked in water.salt and pepper.
This meal won’t be complete unless followed by sweet minted tea and knafeh…..which is also a traditionl sweet ordered from special shops…best one I think is Habiba.always tasty especially if ordered a day before…yummy yummy.
Mansaf is considered a heavy meal…one needs a nap for sure after it..and you’ll stay full till the next day…most people prefer to eat it at lunch not dinner
…but even though it will be the most desired and preferred meal all over.
Make sure you eat it when you visit Jordan …i’ll be glad to list for you restaurants who make it…or you can come visit me…my sweet mother in law is always delighted to cook it anytime♡♥
GOD bless Jordan and its people….

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