Hello everybody. This morning my youngest son amazed me with a question ” Are we allowed to repeat one of the recipes you posted or you have to cook something new? ”
I was really impressed,my hubby and boys are becoming like me,always thinking what to cook the next day and how to keep ideas and recipes flowing !! Thank God I think one can always innovate and search,each day comes with its new post without even planning 🙂
So upon my son’s request I cooked chicken with broccoli and mushrooms but made rice instead of pasta on the side.As for today’s title,I made these cute strawberry shortcakes for my son’s friends who came over this afternoon,better than eating candy and sweets !
Ingredients and method:
* fresh strawberries.
* cream ( 2 packs dream whip)
* for the shortcakes:
* 1 3/4 or 2 cups flour.
* 3/4 cup butter.
* 1/2 cup sugar.
* 1 tsp baking powder.
* 1/4 cup cream or milk.
* pinch of salt.
* crushed almonds (optional)
* stem and cut strawberries,add a bit of sugar on them and leave aside till cakes are done.
* beat cream powder as directed till stiff and keep in fridge to cool.
* beat butter with sugar then add salt,baking powder and flour.
* mix with your hands till dough is crumbly.
* add milk or cream gradually and knead till you form a firm but not hard ball then leave to rest 15 minutes.
* roll dough to a rectangle then using a cookie cutter or cup form circles then move to a floured baking pan. keep flouring surface of table or use wax paper to avoid sticking.
* add crushed almonds on top then bake for 10-13 minutes or till biscuits are golden.
* assemble layers of biscuits,cream then strawberries in cups or glasses or plates as you wish,garnish with strawberry syrup and fresh mints.
* keep in fridge to cool before serving.
That’s today’s post,hope you all like and try it 🙂

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