معمول بالطحين

مساء الخير .

اول مره بعمل معمول بالطحين, الوصفه من صفحه دعد ابو جابر , كتيير زاكي

 3 ثلاثة اكواب طحين منخل ( 450 جرام تقريبا
1/2 نصف ملعقة صغيرة من كل من : محلب مطحون , يانسون مطحون او حب و شومر مطحون
1 كوب سمنة نوع ممتاز ( 200 جرام ) / افضل السمن الحيواني
2/3 ثلثا كوب ( تقريبا ) حليب سائل كامل الدسم
2 ملعقتان كبيرتان سكر عادي
1 ملعقة صغيرة بيكنج باودر
الطريقة :
يخلط الطحين مع المحلب واليانسون والشومر ويوضع في وعاء يتحمل الحرارة
تقدح السمنة اي تسخن جدا
فورا تدار على الدقيق وتحرك بملعقة حتى يمتزجا جيدا
يترك الدقيق حتى يبرد تماما
يذاب السكر والبيكنج باودر في الحليب
يدار بالتدريج الى الدقيق مع الخلط باليد حتى نحصل على عجينة طرية متماسكة ( نوع الطحين يحدد كمية السائل اللازم ) قد تحتاج اقل او اكثر قليلا
ملاحظة هامة : يجب عدم الاسراف بالعجن والا اصبح الكعك مثل الخبز , فقط حتى تتماسك
تغطى وتترك مدة ساعة لترتاح
يؤخذ باليد قطعا من العجينة بحجم حبة الجوز تقريبا او حسب الرغبة

تشكل اما الى كرات ويعمل في منتصفها فجوة وتحشى حسب الرغبة , تغلق وتزين اما بالملقط او القالب

الحشوات :

1 كغم تمر بدون بذور مطحون او مفروم ناعم جدا
1/4 كوب زيت نباتي او سمنة ذائبة
2 ملعقة صغيرة قرفة مطحونة
1 ملعقة صغيرة جوزة الطيب مطحونة
1/2 ملعقة صغيرة قرنفا مطحون
حشوة الفستق الحلبلي :
500 غرام فستق حلبي مقشور مغسول ومصفى ( مدقوق ناعم جدا)
1 ملعقة كبيرة زبدة ذائبة
1/4 كوب قطر / شيرة
1 ملعقة كبيرة ماء الزهر
حشوة الجوز :
500 غرام جوز مدقوق ناعم
1/4 كوب قطر/ شيرة
2 ملعقة صغيرة قرفة مطحونة

 ملعقة كبيرة ماء الزهر :

وكبعا عملت مقروطه كالعاده






Kofta with vegetables and Chicken Wings.

Hello everybody.

Long working day also,bright side is we finished early so had an hour nap before entering the kitchen!

Today’s ftoor was kofta with vegetables,only potatoes,peppers and tomatoes,no eggplants or courgettes and a some hot spicy chicken wings.

I also made mashed fava beans and a bowl of salad.



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Kabseh :)

Hello everybody.

Wanted to cook kabseh from last week,but always got objection from my youngest cause he doesn’t like it,so since I have a hamburger left from yesterday Kabseh it is then.

I also made aubergine dip ( matabal) and a salad plus the hot tomato coriander sauce that I usually make alongside the rice.

No dessert today,a piece of chocolate did the job 🙂


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Kebabs and Appetizers.

Hello everybody.

Woke up late today with no idea what to cook,after searching through the previous posts decided to make homemade Kebabs and the usual salads and appetizers I make with them.

I made roasted tomatoes with chili and garlic ,yogurt with mint and oregano, avocado dip,french fries and a green salad.

I also made some  vegetable kebabs,really yummy !!

Dessert was assorted fruits,fresh pineapple,cactus fruits and many more .




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How to make Pickles.

Hello everybody.

Today I cooked a repeated dish ,eggplant with rice (maqloubeh),I think made it with cauliflower,it’s the same but with eggplants instead.

Last week I bought these lovely mini cucumbers,great for making pickles,many housewives now starts to make them for Ramadan,they’re very tasty though people with high blood pressure must avoid them,but I usaully make them not too salty. I might even need to make another batch cause I’m sure they’ll be gone soon as Ramadan comes.

Ingredients and method:

* cucumbers (or any other vegetables you like e.g. cauliflower,beets,green tomatoes,small eggplants…etc)

* water.



* vinegar.


* chili powder or flakes.

* In an clean empty juice or water bottle or glass jar insert cucumbers.

* make a salt water mixture, 1 big tablespoons for 1 cup of water,I usually make 4 cups of water for this bottle.

* fill water solution in bottle then add 2 cloves garlic and chili (optional)

* add 1 small spoon vinegar and 1 small spoon sugar.

* close well and shake.

* pickles will need one week to 10 days to be ready, you can leave it stored or open bottle ( be careful cause it’ll be very fizzy) then store it in the fridge.

Enjoy 🙂









Shawerma Fatteh.

Hello everybody.

Last night my dear cousin Samar posted this dish she made for dinner,kindly she also posted the recipe which is perfect to do today with the lasagna leftovers, I needed something light and small and this  was just it.

Remember I did meat shawerma before,you can use same spices and marinate for chicken also.


Ingredients and method:

* shredded chicken breasts.

* salt,pepper,all spice,pinch of cinnamon,cardamon,cloves.

* small tsp balsamic or white vinegar.

* sliced onions with summaq.

* chopped tomato.

* tahini sauce ( yogurt,tahini,lemon and salt mixed together)

* chopped parsley to garnish.

* fried or toasted pitta bread.

* saute chicken till almost done.

* add tomatoes and onions,cook all together till most water evaporates.

* line a deep dish with toasted pittas then add chicken mixture just before serving.

* add tahini sauce and parsley.

Thank you dear cousin for this recipe,a new addition to my cookbook “Samar’s Fatteh” great for Ramadan also.









Fava Beans Fatteh ( فته فول).

Hello everybody.

Till late this morning I had absolutely no idea what to cook, I still have some pasta so I needed something with it.

Then,after lots of thinking, decided to do this light fatteh which I learned from my dear friend Reham, people usually make it when they have fava beans with rice leftovers,but you can do it from scratch,very delicious specially if you’re a fava bean fan as I’m.

All Fatteh recipes have basic ingredients,fried or toasted bread, tahini sauce,nuts and minced meat on top. Fillings in the middle are various like hummus,eggplants,fava beans…etc.

* Ingredients and method:

* fava beans boiled till tender then cooked with a little amount of rice ( 1/2 kg needs 1/2 cup of rice), I added maggi cube,pepper,all spice,cinnamon and a bit of cardamon when boiling the beans.

* fried or toasted pitta bread.

* cooked minced meat.

* crushed roasted garlic.

* roasted almonds or pine nuts.

* fresh coriander leaves.

* tahini sauce ( tahini with yogurt and lemon juice) .


* put pitta bread in a bowl or wide serving dish then add a layer of beans and rice.

Note: if you have some chicken stock you can a bit on the pittas to soften but it’s an option.

* add tahini sauce on top then garnish with meat,nuts,garlic and chopped coriander.

I usually make it in one big Pyrex or bowl but today we were only two at lunch time so I made 2 small bowls for each so as bread won’t become soggy for late comers.

Very healthy light option,will be good to do in Ramadan,right?





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