Hello everybody.
Busy Busy day,Newly weds coming home from honeymoon,went to pick them from airport and the flight was late plus I had to take my mom for some errands,and of course drop and pick from school.
I made the only quick easy dish ever PASTA, always a savior . I already have cooked minced meat and all other ingredients always ready in the pantry,I made some white sauce to put on top to make a change a bit.
As for the Armenian Tabouleh, it’s the same as regular one but they use cooked brown lentils instead of burghul and use a good amount of pomegranate sauce, you can add pomegranate seeds if available also.We always eat this dish in the famous Levant Restaurant and many others.
Pasta ingredients and method:
* any kind of pasta.
*minced meat.
* one finely chopped onion.
* tomato puree and paste.
* mushrooms.
* white sauce.
* mozzarella cheese.
* salt,pepper,oregano and chili or Tabasco.
* saute onions in some olive oil then add meat and mushrooms.
* add cooked pasta and tomato puree and paste.
* add 1-2 cups water and season.
* leave to simmer a bit then add white sauce.
* put it in the oven or up on the stove over low heat till done (30-40 minutes).
* add cheese on top and toast it till golden.
* cook lentils till done .
* chop parsley,fresh mints,tomatoes and onion very fine.
* to lentils add lemon juice,salt,paprika,pomegranate sauce and olive oil.
before serving mix all ingredients together.
Enjoy 🙂

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