Spring Rolls With Sweet and Sour Sauce.


Hello again.

Have some extra cabbage leaves so today I bought a pack of spring roll sheets or thin dough so as to stuff them.

Result was perfect, boys loved them, crispy and so fresh.I also made sweet and sour sauce to go along with them.

Ingredients of stuffing and sauce:

* 3 carrots.
* one spring onion.
* shredded cabbage leaves (2-3 cups)
* sesame or vegetable oil.
* 2 tablespoons soy sauce.
* 1 tsp fresh grated ginger.
* spring rolls sheets.
* 1 tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in water to close the rolls.

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* saute onions, thinly shredded carrots and cabbages till tender.
* add ginger and soy sauce, leave to simmer till all liquid dries.
* when totally cooled stuff in roll and close with a bit of cornstarch mixture.
* deep fry till crispy and golden.

Serve with sweet and sour sauce which is a mixture of:
* 3 tablespoons soy sauce.
* 3 tablespoons ketchup.
* 1 tablespoon sugar.
* 1 tablespoon vinegar.
* 1 tablespoon cornstarch.
Mix all ingredients together then heat till thick and creamy.






Chicken Pie and Broad Beans.

Hello everybody.

Had no idea what to cook today,nobody gave me an answer,so I decided by myself!

Chicken pie,hummos and I have some dried broad beans so I soaked them last night and made them with onions,garlic and tomatoes.

I also made a halloumi,tomatoes, pesto sauce and olives plate and fried some spring rolls I found in the freezer.



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