Noodles with vegetables and Spinach Tabouleh.

Hello everybody.

Today is the first day of school after winter break, back to order and routine at last.
Lunch must be ready on time, well today I had to go out so needed to cook something quick and easy to heat when kids come home.

Noodles with chicken and vegetables is a great option. I will cook it and boil noodles when we arrive home.
You need:
* 2 shredded chicken breasts marinated in ketchup,  soy sauce, fresh grated ginger  one big spoon of cornstarch and sugar.

* shredded vegetables.  Today I have carrots, mushrooms, mixed colored sweet peppers,  courgette, and green onions.
* ketchup, soy sauce, ginger.
* 1 pack noodles , spaghetti or rice noodles.
*sesame oil or vegetable oil.

*Heat the oil till hot, add chicken stir well till crispy and a sticky sauce is formed around it.
* Add the vegetables sprinkle with a spoonful of ketchup, soy sauce and ginger.mix well.
* leave to simmer till veggies are a bit tender.
* boil the noodles in salted water. Drain then also add ketchup, soy sauce, ginger and a little salt.
* Mix noodles with chicken and veggies before serving.









Salad today is tabbouleh but done with fresh spinach leaves instead of parsley.

*You wash and chop
* Finley chop a small onion add to it,lemon juice, salt, pepper, olive oil.
* chopped tomato.
* a small cup fine burghul soaked in lemon juice and hot water till soft.
* mix all together before you eat..add lemon, salt, oil as preferable.




Enjoy ♡♥♡♥

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