Cheese Stuffed Burgers.


Hello everybody, hope you’re all enjoying the amazing weather.

Well today I can assure you that everything happens for a reason, I absolutely had no idea what to cook this morning then by coincidence I found out that my freezer was off since a while from the loosened wire so I had to cook melted stuff. End result were fava beans and steaks in yogurt, two pieces of scallop and two burgers.


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My son decided to stuff burgers with cheese so I coated it with eggs, flour and breadcrumbs then deep fried the ball.

Result was variety of yummy stuff at the end

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Weekend Dishes.


Hello everybody.

Weekend almost over, lazy and calm but will end up with a wedding in couple of hours 😀.

Dishes this weekend were various,first thing I delivered this beautiful full of love Red Velvet cake.

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Lunch was a selection of yummy stuff, tandoori chicken with eggplants, potatoes with cream, chicken and meat scallop and coleslaw.


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After lunch my Kleija successfully won the test


Today’s lunch was fresh fava beans with garlic and coriander, creamy yogurt on the side of course.



Hope you all enjoyed the sunny warm weather.

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