Hello everybody. Today as a change of usual breakfast or lunch outings,which is almost the most frequent entertainment for Ammany housewives, we were invited to an event done by “Gift Center” for the famous Eves Saint Laurent brand,a nice lecture introducing new products and a brief make up lesson,very nice and informative, we even went home with special gifts,thank you dear Nadia for the invitation,we really had a good time <3
Went back home to make lunch as quick as possible cause I took my time after the event finished testing makeup and perfumes so I was late ,I guess women forget themselves in such places don’t you agree?
Anyway I prepared ingredients to make chicken quesadilas before I left and made a new super easy quick recipe done with the loaf you buy from bakery (we call it Ramadan loaf ) then you add on it multiple kinds of cheeses ( kashkaval,halloum and white cheese) plus two spoons of labaneh,then toast it in the oven till golden. Thank you dear Maysoon for the savior dish.
Now for the quinoa part,these seeds are becoming famous cause of proven great benefits and healthy nutrients it contains,it’s now wildly used in salads and many other recipes.
Quinoa is considered a super food,it looks a lot like burghul we all know,but it must be cooked in a good amount of water then drained and used either in cold or warm dishes,it’s known to be rich in proteins,iron and fibers. I wanted to try it since my Facebook friend Mary sent me her beautiful cook book.
Here in Jordan you can find it in big stores only not in small supermarkets,last night I bought a small bag to try it ,well it tastes good,very much like burghul as I mentioned. I made a regular salad with grilled halloum,sun dried tomatoes and roasted almonds on top and added cooked quinoa seeds with it,really good, a chance for the kids to eat something nutritious.
Turned out a nice late lunch,all gone except for the loaf,kept it for dinner with a cup of tea 🙂

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