Hello everybody.
Seems today’s the hottest this season though we can finally feel it’s Summer at last, thank God it cools at night.
A great lunch time option in this weather is gazpacho, a traditional Spanish cold vegetable soup, first time I do it, really nice and cooling plus very easy to make I even added spring onions and it did add a nice flavor.
I also did some eggplant dip or mtabbal and some fresh guava grapes bananas lemon smoothie,all very refreshing.
Ingredients and method of gazpacho :
# 3-4 big peeled coarsely chopped tomatoes.
# 1 cucumber.
# 1 clove garlic.
# one small onion (I added a small spring onion also)
# 1 small red sweet pepper.
# 1 tablespoon lemon juice.
# 2 cups tomato juice.
# salt, pepper, chili powder.
# chopped parsley, tomatoes and cucumbers to garnish.
# mix all ingredients in a blender very well.
# chill in fridge for 3-4 hours then garnish with parsley, tomatoes, cucumbers and crushed black pepper upon serving.
I personally loved this dish, hope you try it and give me your opinion.
cold chilled gazpacho.
eggplant dip or mtabbal.
guava juice.

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