Cha3acheel ( brown lentils in yogurt ) شعاشيل.

Hello everybody.

I’m sure many of you are asking what is this you’re talking about? I know it’s a weird name for lots of people, even strange to some living in Jordan cause it’s a traditional very old dish from Irbid region North of Jordan.

My mom never did it  cause she doesn’t like anything that contains lots of eggs in it,personally I started doing it only recently,took the recipe from my dear aunt Eman, it’s a kind of dish you make once or twice a year usually in Winter or when you have leftover Mansaf (cooked jameed)

In fact it’s a very nutritious meal,full of proteins and herbs, though many find it hard to make or fails sometimes,it may become very loose or hard,the trick is to add enough flour to have the correct consistency.

NOTE: these ingredients are for a big amount,you may use half of it according to quantity you want.

Ingredients and method:

* 12 eggs.

* 5 cups flour (half whole wheat and half white)

*1 finely chopped onion.

* 1/2 cup fresh green thyme.

* 1 bunch chopped parsley.

* 1 tsp baking powder.

* 1 cup cooked brown lentils.

* 1 tablespoon dried thyme,salt and pepper.

* cooked yogurt or Jameed .


* Mix 1/2 the lentils,eggs,parsley,fresh and dry thyme,salt and pepper.

* saute onions till soft then add to mix.

* add flour gradually and mix well till you have a sticky dough ( not hard nor soft).

* boil the yogurt with the rest of the lentils.

* boil some salted water then drop a tablespoonful of the dough in it,it’ll directly form a stiff ball, if it crumbled or didn’t hold together this means you need to add more flour.

* remove balls as soon as they float to the top then leave to dry on paper towel.

* drop them in the yogurt while boiling then leave to simmer on low heat for 40-50 minutes.


Hope you try it some day!

مقادير وطريقه عمل الشعاشيل:

(مقادير لكميه كبيره, طبعا يمكن استعمال نصفها حسب العدد)

* 12 بيضه.

* 5 كاسات طحين, نصف اسمر بلدي ونصف ابيض.

* بصله مفرومه ناعم.

*كاسه عدس مسلوق.

* 1ظ2 كاسه زعتر اخضر.

* بقدونس مفروم ناعم.

*1 ملعقه باكينغ باودر.

* ملح وفلفل حسب الرغيه.

*جميد او لبن مطبوخ

* تحمس البصله في شويه زيت حتى تذبل.

* تخلط المقادير مع البصله ثم يضاف الطحين حتى يصبح الخليط كالعجينه الطريه.

*ملاحظه: يضاف نصف كوب العدس الى الخليط والنصف الاخر الى الجميد

* تغلى ماء مع ملح ثم اسقطي بها مقدار ملعقه كبيره من الخليط, اا1ا لم تتماسك راسا وتصبح كره يعني يجب اضافه طحين.

* انشلي الطابات عندما تطفو الى السطح وعندما تنشف اضيفيهم ال الجميد.

* يغلى على نار هادئه لمده 40-50 دقيقهز

صحه وهنا.



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Beef Sweet and Sour.

Hello everybody.

Typical lazy Friday,started by waking up really late for a change, usual coffee at Rula’s noon time then asking what to eat for lunch, decided to make this dish cause It’s been long time since we ate it plus me and my friends went out to dinner the other night at Ren Chai and ordered the same dish but It wasn’t that good or I didn’t enjoy it well !

Searched for an easy recipe to do,found this at,great web by the way!

Ingredients and method:

* meat balls (sauteed ahead till golden)

* sweet peppers chopped to large pieces.

* 1 onion chopped to large pieces also.

* 3-4 pieces pineapples.

* 1 tablespoon brown sugar.

*1 tablespoon starch.

* 2 big spoons ketchup.

* 2 big spoons soy sauce.

* 1 tablespoon vinegar.

* 1 small cup water.


* saute peppers and onions in a bit of vegetable oil till tender.

* add the meat balls .

* mix ketchup,soy sauce,sugar,starch,vinegar and water well together.

* add mixture to pan and stir,then add pineapples.

* simmer for 15-20 minutes.

* serve with boiled rice.


Really tasty and well flavored I even didn’t add salt or pepper !




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How to do Makdous (stuffed pickled eggplants,مقدوس)

Hello everybody.

Makdous are oil cured small eggplants,which are a major breakfast,appetizer dish in most of Middle Eastern Mediterranean countries specially in Syria,Lebanon,Palestine and Jordan.

It’s usually done at this time of year and kept in big jars to be eaten during Winter.I remember when we were kids both my grandmas used to make lots and lots of big glass jars filled with makdous,labaneh balls and olives for  Winter time storage (مونه الشتاء)cause at those times vegetables and fruits were seasonal and usually you can’t find lots of options and varieties in stores like these days.

One can’t find exact ingredients for doing it,they usually did it randomly by experience but I found this old one in my book I’m sure it’s good.

Ingredients and method:

* 3 kg of small eggplants.

* 7-9 tablespoons salt ( better to use local salt not processed ملح بلدي

* 1 cup crushed walnuts.

* 1 tablespoon chili powder.

* crushed garlic (as much as you like)

* boil eggplants in hot water till color change and they become tender but not too soft.

* drain then add a bit of salt into each eggplant to as to let all excess water goes out.

* leave to drain till no more water comes out.

* mix walnuts,garlic,chili and salt together then stuff each eggplant with it.

* leave downwards in a sieve till no water comes out at all.

* arrange in a glassware and add olive oil to cover completely.

* store till done which is usually 10-14 days.

* Can be stored in a cool dry place for months.

Enjoy 🙂







Summer Farewell Breakfast.

Hello everybody.
This morning all family ladies gathered at my uncle’s garden for breakfast, a kind of farewell to Summer days cause as usual here in Jordan we suddenly go into Winter, no in betweens !
As agreed from last week it was a sharing party, though my aunt almost prepared most of the food from her household pantry, cheese, labaneh, olives and delicious newly ripened stuffed eggplants (مقدوس )…etc.
The star of the table was fresh home baked bread done by my dear cousin, unbelievably tasty, wiped out instantly.

At the meantime I’m preparing dinner for our dear friends, made some lovely appetizers and salad, will post them later.

Inshallah we always gather each year in all seasons and times in good health and happiness, love you aunties and cousins and sorry expats, I know you all wished to be with us.♡








The Lebanese House/ Um Khalil <3

Hello everybody.

After calling most of Amman Lebanese restaurant and failing to find a free table for lunch we decided to head north to Jerash to the Lebanese Restaurant or as it’s famous name Um Khalil, though called also to check but luckily a table was available.

Food was delicious as usual except the bbq-ued meat , a bit greasy, but all in all it was good and service was excellent.

Nice ride and scenery better than staying in the city after all !


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Traditional Apple Pie.

Hello everybody.

No cooking today,I still have lots from yesterday,plus I went out with my friends for breakfast to a kind of new place in town Shakespeare & co. really pleasant place,beautiful decor, tasty food and excellent service I might say 🙂

This doesn’t mean no work,my mother in law’s school friends are coming tomorrow morning so I made apple pie and za’tar sticks but as round pastries this time, will be great with a cheese platter and Tabouleh.

You may find various apple pie recipes all over,I usually make this one which is easy and always work.

Ingredients and method of apple pie:


* 1 egg.

* 1 tsp vanilla or lemon zest.

* 1/2 cup sugar.

* 3/4 cup butter.

* 1 3/4 cups flour ( you may need 1/4 more to make a firm dough)

* pinch of salt.

* 2 tablespoons cold water.



* 5-6 large apples peeled and cut to slices.

* 1/2 cup walnuts (optional).

* 1/4 cup raisins (optional).

* 1/4 cup brown sugar.

* 1 tsp lemon juice .

* 1 tablespoon cinnamon ( sorry forgot to add it in the photo)


* beat the egg.vanilla,sugar and butter till creamy.
* add flour and salt and knead well till you have a firm round dough ( add more flour if it’s sticky and you can’t handle it)
* leave to cool in the fridge for 30 minutes.
* spread 3/4 dough in pie pan evenly in bottom and sides.
* pinch it with a fork so as it won’t form a bubble.
* mix filling ingredients well and pour them into the pie pan.
* make shapes to decorate top of pie from remaining dough ,sprinkle surface with flour or use plastic bag for easier handling.
* bake in a medium heated oven for 30-40 minutes or till sides and bottom are golden then toast the surface.
    You can reheat it and serve it with vanilla ice cream or as is with a sprinkle of icing sugar,depends on how the lovely ladies prefer tomorrow .
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Rosa Pasta Salad.

Hello everybody.

Definitely a hot Summer day,hot dishes or stews are a big no no,so I made this cold pasta salad that my dear cousin Rita posted in my group a while ago,but I used chicken instead of tuna and added few more ingredients. Really good,thank you dear 🙂

Ingredients and method:

* cooked shredded chicken or tuna.

* cooked pasta (any shape you like).

* fresh or dried basil.

* pitted black olives.

* some chopped pickles and capers ( optional)

* ketchup and mayonnaise ( approximately 3 tablespoons of each).

* salt and pepper.


* Mix olives,pickles,capers and chicken ,season with salt and pepper.

* Add ketchup and mayonnaise and mix well.

* Before serving add the pasta and mix all together.

I also made a simple plain cake for my new orange cake plate I got as a gift from my dear aunt <3



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Poutine ( french fries and gravy)

Hello everybody.

I know you’re asking yourself what’s that Banan is talking about?

Well my eldest son told me about this dish,his friend living in Canada told him this a famous traditional Canadian dish,so after doing a quick review on various recipes ,today I did this one. Really really good,we all loved it.

Poutine is basically french fries covered with gravy and cheese,but gravy is very rich and tastes great.

Ingredients and method:

* potatoes, cut and fried any shape you like.

* Gravy:

* 2 tablespoons butter.

* 2 tablespoons flour.

* 1 small finely chopped onions.

* 1 chopped garlic .

* 1 yablespoon ketchup.

* 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce.

* 1/2 tsp vinegar.

* 3 cups chicken or veal stock.

* cheddar cheese or cheese curd.


* saute onions and garlic in some oil.

* add ketchup,vinegar and soy sauce.

* stir well and add stock.

* melt butter and mix with flour till brownish,then add to stock.

* mix well and simmer till thick,add salt,pepper and chili if you like.

* fry potatoes then place in a deep dish,cover with gravy and cheese.

* put in the oven a bit till cheese melts and serve.

Today I made kofta with tomatoes and salad with the poutine, to be done again for sure 🙂



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Sfeeha ( meat on a dough).

Hello everybody.

Upon my Uncle Abu Rashed’s recommendation, I ordered a good amount of Sfeeha today for lunch and to freeze the rest for Ramadan,can be useful as a side dish on the table.

Well after this successful trial I do recommend this place also,Al-Basha butcher and bakery,really tasty, we brought two kinds,with tomatoes and yogurt mix.both really delicious.

Sfeeha or meat on a dough is a very famous kind of pastry in many Middle Eastern countries as well as Turkey and many other places,recipes or mixtures may vary between them but basically it’s a very thin dough with minced meat mixed with either tomatoes and chili or yogurt ,of course many other flavors may be added like tahini or pomegranate sauce,this depends on restaurant or kind you like.

Today’s Sfeeha was great,place called Al Basha,gardens strt,tel 06 5680535.

Enjoy 🙂




Potato Gratin.

Hello everybody.

This morning we were invited to a lovely breakfast at Mirabelle,tasty food and atmosphere as always,thank you dear Tamara for the invitation,we really had a great time.

Well I arrived home late to cook anything cause of the traffic jam,so a quick solution as always BURGERS,and to make a change to usual fries I made potato gratin with it.

Ingredients and method:

* 3-4 potatoes peeled and thinly sliced.

* 1 small onions also thinly sliced.

* 4 cups milk.

* 2 big tablespoons flour.

* 1 tablespoon butter.

* salt and pepper.

* parsley and cheese for top decoration.

* saute onions in butter till golden.

* add salt and pepper to potatoes.

* dissolve flour in milk then add potatoes and milk mixture to onions.

* cover and put in a low heated heated oven for 40-50 minutes or till potatoes are done.

* garnish with parsley and Parmesan cheese and roast top.

Really easy and quick ,tastes exactly as the ones served in hotel’s weddings buffets,even better:)







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