Hello everybody.
Full busy day, order was apple pudding and teramisu cups, guess these elegant ones are a hit these days 👍.

I thought I’d send a small gift with this order, special clients deserve a special treat right? Decided I’d try this cake that I pinned long time ago, been eager to try it cause it does look elegant and light.

End result wasn’t exactly like original photo but good enough I think. I changed a bit in the cream and added almonds to give an extra nutty flavor.
Ingredients and method :
Cake batter :
* 1 cups sugar.
*1/2 cup brown sugar.
* 1/2 cup butter.
* 1/2 cup vegetable oil.
* 3 eggs.
* 1 1/4 cup milk.
* 2 tsp baking powder.
* 1/2 tsp baking soda.
* 1 tsp vanilla.
* 2 1/2 cups flour.
* Beat sugar, butter and oil till creamy.
* add eggs, vanilla and milk.
* add baking powder, soda and flower.
*heat oven (medium) then bake the batter in two or three pans as you wish for 25-30 minutes or till dry from inside.
* remove from pans and leave to cool.

Meanwhile make caramel and frosting.
Caramel sauce :
* 2 cups sugar
* 2 tablespoons water.
* 2/3 cup butter.
* 1 cup heavy cream.
* heat sugar and water till it’s caramelized and reaches the color desired, add butter and stir well.
* remove from heat and add cream very slowly and mix.
Note: better use a deep pan to avoid hot sugar from splashing.
* leave to cool completely.

Frosting :
* 1 cup heavy cream.
* 2 envelopes whipping cream.
* 1/2 cup caramel sauce.
* beat all ingredients well till double sized and stiff.
Assemble cake in two or three layers stuffed with frosting and caramel sauce, I added some roasted caramelized almonds also.
Creamy delicious rich cake.

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