Jamie Oliver’s Ginger Lemonade.


Hello again.

Made this refreshing juice this afternoon, a recipe I saw in one of Jamie Oliver’s tv shows, very cooling in this hot weather.

You simply mix together son=me grated fresh ginger,lemon juice and slices,mints and brown sugar then add some hot water to dissolve sugar then before serving add cold sparkling water.

Very nice one try it.

wpid-wp-1442077788489.jpg fresh nutritious ingredients.








Stuffed Mushroom and Courgette Flowers.

Hello everybody.

Too hot to cook today and nobody gave me any answers about what they want so I did what I found.

End result was some okra in olive oil with garlic, onions and tomato and no meat, vegetarian style. Then I decided to do some stuffed mushrooms with garlic, coriander, cheese, breadcrumbs salt pepper and chili, and since I have some courgette flowers that I intended to fry I stuffed them same as mushrooms and all together in the oven.

Result was super, all gone in minutes


wpid-wp-1432649543680.jpeg light nice lunch.

wpid-wp-1432649553383.jpeg okra with garlic onions and tomatoes.

wpid-wp-1432649576682.jpeg stuffed mushrooms and courgette flowers.

wpid-wp-1432649606703.jpeg wpid-wp-1432649618725.jpeg stuffing.

wpid-wp-1432649585477.jpeg great appetizer dish.









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