Nothing beats best friends gathering ♡

Hello everybody.
Sorry for the delay but I had my best friends coming over for a Ramadan evening.
As I entitled the post, nothing beats my best friends gathering, so many beautiful memories gathered throughout the years,though missing our 7’th cheerful Rawan this year, next Summer hopefully♡
I made some cheese pastries, rocca strawberry salad, a new chocolate dessert made of cream and Flakes and upon request 3eish al saraya, promise I’ll post these two recipes after Ramadan for sure.






We also celebrated two birthdays with a delicious strawberry cake


Evening was wrapped up with a perfect aromatic cup of tea.


Rice with Vegetables (Banan’s Rice)

Hello everybody.

Today I had the honor to cook for my big brother’s office colleagues. Each one of them hosts lunch each Sunday so I volunteered to cook in his turn. They’re a group of 20-24 plus the boss is coming today from abroad. Feedback was great thank God ♡
Though I ran a bit out of time and I think rice needed a bit more  cooking
Well my bro sent me this photo in less than an hour after I delivered food.


Wiped out he wrote !!!!!

I got this rice recipe from our dear neighbor when I was a newlywed. Been doing it a lot specially when I have guests..that’s why it became my specialty Banan’s Rice my cousins always say.
I also made caramelized kebab sandwiches with tahini sauce and spiced potatoes. Dessert was basic orange cake and jam biscuits (مبروشه ).
I will post ingredients without specifying amounts cause today I cooked for a big crowd, you can measure according to number of people you’re cooking for. I’m ready for any question of course if anyone needs help.

Ingredients and method:
* large boned chicken pieces.
* basmati rice.
* vegetables include: peas, carrots, mushrooms, peppers and onions.
* raisins.
* almonds and pine  nuts.
* ghee or margarine.
* curry powder, salt, pepper, paprika.
* bay leaves, cinnamon sticks and cardamom for chicken broth.

* first you clean and wash chicken pieces very well.
* make broth from wings backs and necks of chicken by boiling them with salt, pepper, all spice, cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaf plus 1 big spoon curry powder. When done sieve and use broth for cooking rice.
* add same seasoning to breasts and drumsticks with some olive oil and chopped onions and put in a medium heated oven for 2 hours or till tender and golden..also sprinkle them with curry and paprika.

* now prepare veggies,  saute them alternatively ( except onions) with ghee starting with carrots then adding others always sprinkle with curry then add raisins last thing. You can add maggi cube with them, gives a really good flavor but for those who don’t like it add salt and spices. Leave to simmer on low heat.
* in another pan saute sliced onions in ghee then add a bit of broth and leave to simmer till tender.
* wash rice and season it with salt, pepper, all spice and curry powder.
* add to onions, mix all together then add broth till covering rice by 1 inch.
* cook rice and when almost all broth absorbed pour it over vegetables then leave all to cook together on very low heat till rice is done.
* you may need to add a bit more broth or water.
* roast almonds and pine nuts for decoration.
* upon serving turn vegetables and rice pan upside down in a big wide serving tray.
* arrange chicken pieces on top.
* decorate with almonds and pine nuts.

I know this might be a difficult dish with many steps but it’s always worth the hardship. ♡♥

wpid-20140323_135032  always a success.

wpid-20140323_094353 wpid-20140323_095249

wpid-20140323_102056 wpid-20140323_104437

wpid-20140323_103911 all veggies are sprinkled curry.

wpid-20140323_105356 wpid-20140323_105956

wpid-20140323_122908 wpid-20140323_122723 steps to cook the rice.

wpid-20140323_135053 enjoy.















Hello everybody.
As I said yesterday no cooking today!!!!!
Yesterday my hubby went to Ghor and brought a big bunch of fresh parsley. So lovely and green calling for a tabouleh.♡♥
Remember I once made it but with spinach,  same ingredients except you use parsley instead of spinach. Chopped onions, tomatoes, salt, pepper, lemon juice, olive oil and of course soaked burghul.
chicken with noodles and spinach tabouleh .
Tabouleh is a famous traditional dish in many Middle Eastern countries,homemade or in restaurants it’s always a favorite dish as appetizer or alone.
    I sent a message to my lovely friends on Whatsapp, whoever is free come for tabouleh and coffee..unfortunately only three of them could come on such short notice. It was such a lovely sudden gathering ♡♥♡♥.





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