Hello everybody.
Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend.
We went for a drive noon then ended up stopping by our dear friend Salam’s farm for coffee.
This farm or actually house is located in the beautiful picturesque village Rmeimeen, you can’t imagine how quiet and relaxing this place is, specially now, green hills and valleys, just perfect.
Our friend cultivates many vegetables and fruits, we always go home loaded with whatever is in season.Today he gave me a big bunch of fresh asparagus.
Back home to make lunch, took out burgers,made some caramelized onions with mushroom sauce as a twist, lovely with pickles on top.
Also made simple salad but added croutons, summaq and some hard labaneh balls dipped in sesame seeds, ate that at a restaurant the other day, they even gave it a fancy name “Jarash Salad”.
As for the asparagus I simply sauteed them in butter, olive oil and garlic then sprinkled lemon juice on top when tender. DELICIOUS !
Great lunch, we were even lucky weather is warm and ate outdoors♡♥

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