Mshabbak (مشبك بمناسبه عيد المولد النبوي الشريف).

Hello everybody.

Today marks the Birth  of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) on this occasion almost all sweet shops sell this kind of dessert called “Mshabbak” ,I looked through different recipes last night and decided to do it at home ,cause the ones you buy though maybe crunchy and better looking but they’re too sweet , heartburn often starts after the first bite.

Recipe is simple but process is a bit difficult, first one is usually a mess .

Mshabbak recipe:

* 1  1/2 cups flour.

* 1 cup starch.

* 1 big tablespoon instant yeast.

* 1 tablespoon sugar.

* pinch of salt.

* 2 cups warm water.

* some red food coloring.

* sugar syrup.

* oil for frying.


* Mix flour,starch,yeast,sugar,salt and warm water very well till no clogs are formed.

* leave covered in a warm place to rise for 45-50 minutes.

* heat the oil then drop the dough in circle or strips form using the cream decorating device.

*Remove when golden from both sides then dip half of it in red food coloring dissolved in some water.

* dip them right away in sugar syrup.


It might be a difficult messy process but outcome is super delicious,of course I sent dishes to neighbors,mom and mother in-law  to lesson the crime as usual.



DSC_0176  DSC_0181  mshabbak dough.

DSC_0185  DSC_0193

DSC_0189  dipping in food coloring.

DSC_0191 dipping in syrup.

20150103_181452  20150103_181635

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