Hello everybody.
Busy Saturday as usual,many errands and work at home plus cooking and baking a cake, but all was done by time to go to the gathering at my uncle’s house.
I promised my auntie to bring something sweet and after searching a lot for something new and different ended up taking this recipe from my dear friend Ola,turned out really yummy everybody loved it.
Lunch was chicken curry and chicken giblets ( قوانص).
chicken curry and giblets.
Ingredients and method:
* 3 eggs.
* 1 cup sugar.
* 1/2 cup vegetable oil.
* 8 small spoons cocoa.
* 2 tsp baking powder.
* 1/2 tsp bicarbonate.
* 1 big spoon peppermint essence.
* 1 1/2 cup flour.
* 1 cup boiled water.
* 1 pack After Eight.
* 1 pack cream.
* Beat sugar and oil well till creamy then add eggs,vanilla,mint,cocoa, baking powder, soda and flour.
* In a small baking greased baking pan pour batter and directly add a cup of boiled water on top.
* bake in a medium heated oven for 35-45 minutes or till surface and center are dry.
* On a water bath melt 10-15 After Eight pieces and whisk till they melt then add the cream and mix well.
* when cake is cooled cover with minty ganache and decorate as you like.
Afternoon gathering was nice as usual,we had tabouleh,yalanji,chicken pastries,oregano loaf, salad and cheese cake all yummy yummy 🙂
Minty chocolate cake.

boiling water on top.

crispy surface.
a perfect cake for sure.

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