Hello everybody.
I’m sure many of you are asking what is this you’re talking about? I know it’s a weird name for lots of people, even strange to some living in Jordan cause it’s a traditional very old dish from Irbid region North of Jordan.
My mom never did it cause she doesn’t like anything that contains lots of eggs in it,personally I started doing it only recently,took the recipe from my dear aunt Eman, it’s a kind of dish you make once or twice a year usually in Winter or when you have leftover Mansaf (cooked jameed)
In fact it’s a very nutritious meal,full of proteins and herbs, though many find it hard to make or fails sometimes,it may become very loose or hard,the trick is to add enough flour to have the correct consistency.
NOTE: these ingredients are for a big amount,you may use half of it according to quantity you want.
Ingredients and method:
* 12 eggs.
* 5 cups flour (half whole wheat and half white)
*1 finely chopped onion.
* 1/2 cup fresh green thyme.
* 1 bunch chopped parsley.
* 1 tsp baking powder.
* 1 cup cooked brown lentils.
* 1 tablespoon dried thyme,salt and pepper.
* cooked yogurt or Jameed .
* Mix 1/2 the lentils,eggs,parsley,fresh and dry thyme,salt and pepper.
* saute onions till soft then add to mix.
* add flour gradually and mix well till you have a sticky dough ( not hard nor soft).
* boil the yogurt with the rest of the lentils.
* boil some salted water then drop a tablespoonful of the dough in it,it’ll directly form a stiff ball, if it crumbled or didn’t hold together this means you need to add more flour.
* remove balls as soon as they float to the top then leave to dry on paper towel.
* drop them in the yogurt while boiling then leave to simmer on low heat for 40-50 minutes.
Hope you try it some day!
مقادير وطريقه عمل الشعاشيل:
(مقادير لكميه كبيره, طبعا يمكن استعمال نصفها حسب العدد)
* 12 بيضه.
* 5 كاسات طحين, نصف اسمر بلدي ونصف ابيض.
* بصله مفرومه ناعم.
*كاسه عدس مسلوق.
* 1ظ2 كاسه زعتر اخضر.
* بقدونس مفروم ناعم.
*1 ملعقه باكينغ باودر.
* ملح وفلفل حسب الرغيه.
*جميد او لبن مطبوخ
* تحمس البصله في شويه زيت حتى تذبل.
* تخلط المقادير مع البصله ثم يضاف الطحين حتى يصبح الخليط كالعجينه الطريه.
*ملاحظه: يضاف نصف كوب العدس الى الخليط والنصف الاخر الى الجميد
* تغلى ماء مع ملح ثم اسقطي بها مقدار ملعقه كبيره من الخليط, اا1ا لم تتماسك راسا وتصبح كره يعني يجب اضافه طحين.
* انشلي الطابات عندما تطفو الى السطح وعندما تنشف اضيفيهم ال الجميد.
* يغلى على نار هادئه لمده 40-50 دقيقهز
صحه وهنا.

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