مقروطه بالتمر

* 5 كاسات طحين ابيض
4 كاسات طحين اسمر
* 1 كوب زيت نباتي
* 1 كوب زيت زيتون
* 1 كوب سمنه او زبده
* 2-3 باكيت تمر مطحون

* 1/2 كوب سكر

* .1 ملعقه صغيره بايكربونات
* يانسون 2 ملعقه كبيره يانسون مطحون
.1 ملعقه كبيره شومر مطحون
* .1 ملعقه كبيره قرفه
* 2-3  ملعقه كبيره سسمسم وقزحه
* 1محلب ملعقه صغيره
*     تخلط جميع المقادير مع بعض جيدا قبل بليله او على الاقل 4-5 ساعات ما عدا التمر طبعا ويفرك الطحين جيدا بالزيت والسمنه

*( يرش التمر ياليانسون والفرقه والهيل ويفرد بين نايلون ويرق ليصبح طبقه رقيقه جدا( استعيني بزيت الزيتون على النليلون حتى لا يلزق التمر

* يضاف ماء فاتر بالتريج الى العجينه حتى تصبح متماسكه وطريه

* ترق العجينه بنفس طريقه التمر بين النايلون

* (توضع طبفه التمر فوق العجينه برفق وتلف رول (لفتين  فقط

* تقطع الرول الى قطع صغيره وتصف في الصواني

* يزين الوجه بواسطه سكين

* تشوى في فرن متوسط الحراره حتى تحمر

* تحفظ في علب محكمه حتى لا تنشف


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Stuffed Cabbage and New Ma3moul Recipe.

Hello everybody.

Kids cheered when they knew I’m making cabbage today,favorite dish for all in my house,though making it is a long process sometimes specially if all done the same day like this morning, I usually boil and cut them a day ahead and stuff the next day,but yesterday was a full day already,had no strength to do them in the afternoon.

First time trial this time I put one of the cabbages in the freezer last night,upon an advice from my cousin living in Rome,took it out today and it’s true leaves peeled so easily and were ready to stuff no need to boil, but nevertheless I put them for seconds in the hot water to kill any germs ( Rome cabbages are clean and round like a ball not like ours!) ,thank you dear for the tip really helpful.

Since I’m home not going anywhere I did this new ma3moul recipe my aunt posted before Eid,been intending to try it for a while, though I was afraid dough will be too sweet cause one basic ingredient in it is sweetened condensed milk,but result was AWESOME, really easy to handle and very tasty, highly recommended.

Ingredients and method:

* 5 cups flour.

* 400 gm butter.

* 1/4 cup vegetable oil.

* 3/4 can sweetened condensed milk.

* 1/4 cup water.

* dates,walnuts or pistachios for filling .( added cinnamon,icing sugar and rose water to walnuts and cinnamon,anise and cardamon for dates)

* mix all ingredients well till you form a dough.

* start working directly by making small balls and stuffing them, use a mold or decorate them as you wish.

* bake in well heated oven at first then lower the heat when you start till golden.


I added anise seeds to the extra dough and sliced it as Biscotti  really yummy also, thanks 3amto for the recipe,love you <3

By the way stuffed cabbage is the most seen post from all my 300 till now !!!!!!!


DSC_0044  frozen cabbage.



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20141026_144816  Anise seeds biscuits.



Ma3moul and Date Rolls Lesson ( حصه عمل مقروطه ومعمول)

Hello everybody.

Today I was honored and privileged to share a lesson with my dear cousin in her training center ‘Ribbon Cake’ ,she gave her part in making ma3moul with its stuffing, dates,walnuts and pistachios plus making Sable cookies in various shapes.

My part was teaching how to make my specialty Date Rolls, I really enjoyed my time a lot,it’s the first time I do this, did it before but in my house and with family and friends, hope the ladies enjoyed the lesson as well.

As you all know Adha Eid is within 10 days and many housewives started preparing for it,this lesson today was a great help for sure, Adha Mubarak everybody <3



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Back to Daily Routine :)

Hello everybody.

First day of work after a long vacation and a whole month of fasting,back to daily routine at last,we’ll be more in order when school starts next month !

Well today Tawjihi results were announced,congratulations to all who passed and hard luck for those who didn’t. Traffic was crazy today as usual,went to deliver Date Rolls to my cousin,took me an hour on the road.

Lunch was kibbeh in cooked yogurt,easy quick dish,specially when you have them frozen,cook the yogurt,dip them then leave to cook till done.that’s it!!


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Chicken Escalope and Poutine.

Hello everybody.

Second day of Eid preparations but not cooking this time,a more tiring boring thing to do ,cleaning the house 🙁

Though we clean our houses everyday but don’t know why we make a complete clean up at the end of Ramadan, Eid rituals I guess !

As for dinner I  did a new soup “Menstrone vegetable soup”,really tasty,I’ll post the recipe later for sure. Plus chicken escalopes and poutine  upon my son’s request,but he ended up going out to dinner,well bad luck cause not a bit left !

I’m drinking coffee now then up to do some cookies,will post photos tomorrow.






Eid Preparations.

Hello everybody.

Getting ready for Eid for sure, as I can see from banancooking group many of the members started baking goodies !! كل عام وانتم جميعا بالف خير.

I started today,made Date Rolls,planning to do Rock cookies and something with walnuts if I have time Insh’Allah.

As for dinner today I made green beans and rice,though everybody didn’t like my choice but I had no other option, anyway they all ate it at the end,guess from hunger 🙂



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20140725_194157   fried some Kibbeh as well.


Date Rolls (مقروطه )

Hello everybody.
My sweet cousin requested this recipe since I started my blog, I didn’t have time or chance though. I usually make these cookies or rolls after Ramadan , serve them in Eid . Actually became my speciality. I took this recipe from my mother in-law’s cousin, though i’ve been doing them for years now but nothing beats hers..♡♥.
Tomorrow we’re going to visit a friend from old school days so I thought i’ll take some with me. A homemade present is always heart warming. Hope she’ll like them.

Ingredients and method:
* 5 cups flour
* 4 cups whole wheat flour (طحين اسمر ).
* 1 cup vegetable oil.
* 1 cup olive oil.
* 1 cup margarine or ghee.
* seeded and ground dates (2-3 packs).
* 1/2 cup sugar.
* 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate.
* 2 big spoons ground anise (يانسون ).
* 1 big spoon ground fennel (شومر ).
* 1 big spoon cinnamon.
* 2-3 spoons sesame seeds and black seeds ( سسمسم وقزحه ).
* 1 small spoon mahaleb (محلب )
* mix all oils and spices with flour well till it forms crumbles and leave overnight so as flour absorbs all oils and essences.

* to the dates add olive oil, cinnamon, anise powder, nutmeg, cardamom . A little sprinkle just to add some flavor.

* add warm water to flour enough to make a dough 1-2 cups..it must be easy to handle not hard nor soft.
* cut dough and dates to four portions.
* roll one part of dough to a big  thin rectangle between nylons.
* roll dates all to same size rectangle between wax paper or nylon.
* place date over dough and cut unorganized edges.
* roll dough and dates together 3 or 4 rolls.
* cut to 1 inch slices then pat with your hand to flatten them a bit.
* with a sharp knife cut surface to small lines.
* bake in a medium heated oven till bottoms are golden and then toast surface a bit.
* store in a cookie jar or well sealed box.




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