Vegetarian Kibbeh. 


Hello everybody.

I now strongly believe that some recipes do actually call me to try them, I know this might be weird but true cause I look through many many recipes on daily basis but not all interest me to try them.

Well couple of days ago I saw this light healthy recipe in an account I follow on  named Bandora (means tomatoes) , vegan type of kibbeh great for vegetarians or lint.

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Fifty percent of ingredients is burgul, other half is sautéed onions and tomatoes, raw green onions, carrots,zucchini, coriander, parsely, mint, chili paste,salt, pepper,summaq and olive oil. All together in the food processor.


A dish worth trying for sure.

Turkish Coffee cake.


Hello everybody.

Loved the idea of using Turkish coffee in a cake, never occurred to me before until I saw  it on Measuring Cups Optional , loved the idea a lot since I’m a big coffee fan.


The recipe posted was more like a fudge cake so I kept searching for similar recipes, Pinterest of course, found many cakes with coffee but not Turkish  ( espresso or instant) so I combined both recipes together and the result was really awesome.

Took the cake to my cousin’s this morning , big family gathering and everyone just loved it.Coffee chocolate lover will surely fall in love with the rich taste.


Ingredients and method:

  • 3 eggs.
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar.
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla.
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil.
  • 1/2 cup milk.
  • 1 tsp ground cardamon.
  • 2 tablespoons Turkish coffee powder
  • 1/2 cup cocoa.
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda.
  • 2 1/2 cups flour.
  • Beat eggs and sugar with vanilla  till creamy.
  • Add oil,milk.
  • add coffee and cardamon.
  • Add cocoa ,baking powder,baking soda and flour consequently.
  • Bake in two or three pans  as you wish in a medium heated oven for 30-40 minutes.
  • cool then assemble layers with cream and any kind of dark chocolate.


For the cream:

  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 2 sachets whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup cooled boiled Turkish coffee with 1 tsp instant coffee with it.
  • Whip all ingredients till double in size and fluffy then cool in fridge.


Loved everything about this new baby , so easy and delicious !

المقادير والطريقه:
3 بيض
نص كوب سكر بني
3/4 كوب سكر ابيض
نص كوب زيت نباتي
ملعقتين كبار قهوه تركي ( بودره مش مغليه)
ملعقه صغيرة هيل مطحون
نص كوب كاكاو
ملعقه صغيرة فانيلا
3 ملاعق صغيرة باكينغ باودر
ربع ملعقة كربونات الصودص
2 1/4 كوب طحين.
يخفق البيض والسكر جيدا ثم تضاف باقي المقادير بالتتابع.
تخبز بفرن متوسط الحراره لمده 40-45 دقيقه.
انا عملتها بقالبين وحشيت كريما بالنص.
علبه قشطه
باكيتين كريما بودره
فنجان صغير قهوه تركي مغليه مع نص معلقه نسكافيه
تخفق جيدا وتبرد.
تحشى الكريما بين الطبقات وحطيت كمان شوكولاته سوداء.
تزيين حسب الرغبه.

Beautiful Pistachio Cake.


Hello everybody.

Baked this beautiful elegant cake for my friend’s birthday today, It’s becoming a dear tradition each birthday that I really enjoy and of course do it with lots of love.


Well this cake has very little ingredients and very easy to make, but it’s success depends upon baking heat and time.Oven must be on 180 º and may need to lower it after 15-20 minutes to 130º.

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Another issue is baking time, recipe says 20-25 minutes, it may need a bit more but you must be careful not to over bake or else it will dry or collapse..turn off the oven when surface is golden and sides crispy. Then leave to cool completely before removing it from pan.


* 3 cups finely crushed pistachios
* 6 eggs.
* 1 1/2 cups sugar.
* 1 tsp vanilla.
* 1 1/2 tsp baking powder.


* Mix eggs, vanilla and sugar till fluffy and creamy.
* Add baking powder and pistachios.
* Grease 2 small baking pans or line with wax paper.
* Devide batter in pans.
* Heat oven at 180º. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Leave to cool.
For the filling:
* 1 pack kiri or cream cheese.
* 1 pack dream whip.
* 1 pack cream.
* icing sugar if you like your cream extra sweet.
Mix well till fluffy and doubled in size. Leave in fridge overnight.
Assemble the cake and leave in fridge to firm for 2-3 hours. Decorate it as you wish.



Lovely Meatballs In Buns. 


Hello everybody.

Tried this new recipe I’ve seen in So Yummy page.


You simply empty top of buns, sprinkle with garlic, parsely olive oil or butter then some cheese.


Add sautéed meatballs, a bit of marinara sauce then another layer of cheese.



Put all in the oven for 15-20 minutes and that’s it.
Easy, delicious and presentable.




Happy Valentine’s Day. 


Hello everybody.

Though I believe love should be celebrated daily not on a specific day or time, but it’s becoming a festive day.


We celebrated my way, simple healthy breakfast full of love with little heart-shaped tomatoes and strawberries.




Then I made this lovely berries cake and took it to a family gathering with all my lovely cousins.



Baking Spree. 


Hello everybody.

Lots of baking this week, no complaints at all cause it’s merely a lot of fun to me. The smells,aroma and warmth gives one a big sense of pleasure.



Sometimes once I start I end up baking various kinds, since oven is on as my mom says.



It all started with date order, then another one of anise date ones. Later my friend wanted a selection of cookies to take with her to Saudi Arabia, made rock cookies, coconut lime cookies, oatmeal cranberries and ended the day with chocolate chips for her sweet son. 


All was yummy and work though tiring but worth the happy ending.


Algerian Almond Cookies ( حلوى الدمعه)


Hello everybody.

Saw this elegant delicacies recipe on Facebook that triggered me to try them immediately ,specially that I have all ingredients, after i published the photos on my page many members told me that these are Algerian cookies named “tear drops” maybe cause of its shape.


They’re simply a special dough filled with almonds, shaped like a tear drop using a long fork then shaped like a tear drop, baked then drizzled with syrup while still hot.


First three or four pieces were not good looking but then i figured the correct way , not difficult at all.

Ingredients and method:

for the dough:

  • 150 gm butter.
  • 1 tablespoon semolina.
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon coconut.
  • 2 tablespoons icing sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder.
  • 1 tsp vanilla .
  • 2 eggs
  • 2- 21/2 cups flour.
  • 1 cup crushed almonds with 1 tablespoon sugar.
  • sugar syrup.


  • Beat eggs with vanilla .
  • add butter then all dry ingredients .
  • add flour gradually and knead well till you get a soft dough.
  • 16195682_10154748757450907_5992522832910590314_n
  • shape dough into small size balls.
  • spread dough over a wide fork then fill with almonds and close.
  • 16142978_10154748757330907_987304172874809744_n
  • remove dough and twist to close ends.
  • you can put an almond in the middle.
  • 16298631_10154748757520907_3332026122709841199_n
  • bake in a medium heated oven for 20-30 minutes or till golden.
  • while still hot drizzle syrup on them.
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You can add crushed pistachios on ends if you like.

المكونات :

العجينة :
150غم زبده، بيض 22، ملعقه كبيره جوز هند، ملعقه كبيره لبن، ملعقه كبيره سميد، ملعقتين كبار سكر ناعم. ملعقه كبيره باكينغ باودر، ملعقه فانيلا، كوبين الى كوبين ونص طحين.
الحشوه لوز مطحون مع سكر ناعم.
قطر بارد.


Today’s Order. 

Hello everybody.

A loving grandma ordered this lovely combination of dishes for her visiting grandchildren.

Outcome was very colorful specially the tutti fruitti cake, full of fruits and cream.

Alongside she ordered za’tar puffs, pasta salad, teramisu and a small box of chocolate balls I sent as a gift.

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