Hedge Mustard (حويرنه).

Hello everybody.

Home  alone today,boys and hubby went to the farm early morning so no need to cook and since I’m going with my mom to visit her cousin this afternoon which will definitely serve lots of goodies,so a light lunch will do.

This herb crossed my mind this morning  and I was lucky to find some at the grocery store, though it’s much tastier if picked fresh from fields but we city people will have to live with bunches in stores , not so fresh but good enough.


It’s usually salted and washed many times then mixed with some yogurt or labaneh and some green onions,sharp peppery taste . For me this is the most perfect meal ever, love dairies in all shapes and kinds 🙂

I did some search for benefits of hedge mustard turned out it’s a very useful herbs as anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal actually long time ago it was called the “Singers Plant” cause of great effect in laryngitis and cough and soothing effect on throat , well good to know right?

20150102_142648  hedge mustard with labaneh and green onions.

حويرنه مع لبنه وبصل اخضر وصحن زيتون,

