Hello everybody.
Great party last night,lovely bride and groom and guests,but high heels are torture ,don’t you agree with me ladies???
Too tired to cook today,plus we have a dear guest visiting from Beirut,so I’m kind of busy,but have to make something for lunch anyway. An easy light option is boiled or pouched eggs with boiled potatoes on the side and a big bowl of salad.
You simply boil potatoes till tender,slice them,add salt,pepper and olive oil then boil eggs,slice them beside potatoes, you can add chopped green onions on top if you like.
I do eggs in a special mold I bought long time ago from Cyprus, where you cook them on a water bath,so they’re more pouched than boiled.
I know this seems like a silly dish but it’ll do as long as hubby and kids don’t complain,will make it up to them this weekend
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