Coconut Jam Cake.

Hello everybody.

My hubby’s friends are coming over tonight,I had no idea of what to do till I came back from a visit to my uncle’s house at noon, guess once you enter the kitchen ideas will flow.

Result was some cheese and chicken pastries,fruit salad and a beautiful cake that I found in Jammie Oliver’s website,it’s a typical British cake served usually at tea time.I used my new cake slicer to make 4 layers of it then stuffed each layer  with strawberry jam, cream and coconut.

Lunch was lasagna and a dish of labaneh with  hedge mustard ( حويرنه)

Ingredients and method:

* 1 1/2 cups butter.

* 1 1/2 cups sugar.

* 4 eggs.

* 1 tsp vanilla.

* 1/4 cup milk.

* 1 1/2 cups flour.

* 2 tsp baking powder.

* Strawberry jam.

* whipping cream ( 2 cups)


* whisk butter and sugar till creamy then add eggs,milk,vanilla.

* add flour and baking powder.

* add either whole batter in one deep baking pan or two small ones.

* bake in a medium heated oven till done and center is dry.


* cool then slice cake to four pieces.

* assemble layers by adding jam,cream then coconut between each layer.

* cover all layers with remaining cream and decorate with coconuts.

DSC_0328  isn’t it awesome?

DSC_0303 fresh jam done today.


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Today’s lunch ,lasagna and labaneh with mustard

DSC_0324  layered cake before coverage.

20150127_152241 cheese pastries ready to be done.

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Greens and Homemade Bread.

Hello everybody.

Seems all green veggies and herbs grew earlier after the snow cause I found some fresh fava beans and coriander ,beautiful fresh bunch of chicory and crisp green onions. All great with the ewe yogurt I brought from Irbid on Thursday.

I also got enthusiastic and decided to bake some bread like the one I did with msakhan, an incredible taste and as usual boys ate two loaves alone before I was done, this time I baked it on a grilling pan I use for burgers and steaks and it turned out great 🙂

DSC_0259 green fava beans with garlic and coriander

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DSC_0238 homemade bread.





How to Make Hummus?

Hello everybody.

Being locked in this snow storm made many people creative or let me say willing to try  stuff that are usually bought ready like hummus and falafel.

Hummus is high in iron and Vitamin C plus folate and  Vit B6 and a good source of dietry fibers,it’s very useful in vegetarian diets to compensate protein.

It’s not that difficult to make them from sctratch,I know many folks specially living abroad who always do, but in countries like us,the easiest cheapest meal is always a hummus plate with falafel or hummus fatteh, no need for all the fuss in the kitchen.

My cousin living in Greece made a a delicious hummus last week so I thought to share the recipe with you.

Ingredients and method:

* 2 cups of soaked ( a night before) boiled till done chickpeas.

* 1 big spoonful tahini saice.

* 2 big spoons full cream yogurt.

* 1-2 cloves garlic.

* lemon juice,salt .

* some olive oil.

* Mix all ingredients together in food processor till smooth and creamy.

*add a bit of chickpeas boiling water to make thickness as you desire.

* decorate with chickpeas,chili powder or parsley.

20150112_141659   DSC_0302 the famous hummus !


To make Humus Fatteh which is a Levant dish done mainly in Syria,Lebanon,Palestine and’ll need:

*  pitta  bread cubes or if you like use french bread (خبز حمام)

* make the same hummus mix but add more water and yogurt to make a loose sauce.

* before serving soak bread with chickpeas and water.

* add the hummus sauce.

* decorate with toasted almonds,pine nuts,chili powder and parsley ( didn’t have parsley today )

* serve hot for breakfast or appetizer .

20150112_135401  Fatteh ingredients.

DSC_0305  before assembly.

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Zaynab Fingers or Tweitat.(اصابع زينب)

Hello everybody.

I guess everybody is still locked in today as well,weather was a bit better noon time but still freezing outside. Last night was phenomenal ,temperature reached -10 in some areas which is a rare thing to happen.

Lunch today wasn’t a big meal,frankly we’re all fed up from everything so I made a dish of avocado dip and fried some potatoes then topped them with herbs,garlic powder and cheese. We still have some shepherd pie from yesterday. very satisfying meal !

As for dessert I made Mom’s versions of this old Arabic sweet , baked Zaynab fingers or tweitat as some people call them. I know most people usually deep fry them but this recipe differs cause they’re baked not fried,less guilt for sure.


Though I posted the recipe before but I’ll write it again better for easier accessibility.


Ingredients and method:

2 cups plain flour.
2 cups whole wheat flour.
1 cup olive oil.( or half olive and half vegetable oil)
1 small spoon of instant yeast.
1 small spoon grounded fennel,anise and cinnamon.
Half a cup of sesame seeds. (سمسم محمص).
Half a cup of black seeds,I think they’re called sativa (الحبه السوداء.قزحه ).
1/2 cup sugar.
Pinch of salt.

For the syrup:
3 cups granulated sugar.
1 and 1/2 cups water.
1 small spoon lemon juice.
Boil all ,then leave to simmer till syrup is thick (30- 35 minutes).

*  Mix all ingredients then start adding warm water (almost a cup)  and knead well till you form a ball.
* Leave it to rest for half an hour then form it to small balls.

* Spread each ball on a grater and roll it to make it as fingers.(I use the hand grater)
*Bake in a well heated oven till bottom is brown.then roast surface as well.

Dip in syrup then remove..leave to cool and serve.



DSC_0275  sweets before baking.

20150110_163414  Avocado dip.

20150110_172231   French fries with tomato chili dip.

20150110_153702  Great in this snow 🙂

This link will show you how to roll the sweets,hope you find it useful .


Thyme Tomatoes and Green Onions Pastries.

Hello everybody.

Mom and my lovely niece visited me this morning, great timing cause I was about to begin making some pastries so a helping hand was a blessing.

I made three kinds of fillings, cheese,green fresh thyme with onions,tomatoes,sun dried tomatoes and olive oil plus some stripped green onions that I always make like swirls . really yummy and great with labaneh dip .

While we were working my niece made a small strawberry cake and decorated it, it came out a beautiful all over pinkish lively cake,her favorite color of course.


Well, hope all is ready for the snow coming tomorrow,I went grocery shopping today and people were crazy buying piles of stuff, hope we won’t be stuck for a long time like last year, fingers crossed !!!!!



20150105_140041  Noudy’d Cake.

20150105_172512  cheese and green onions pastries.

20150105_172449   thyme tomato pastries.

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DSC_0213  ready fillings.

DSC_0219  green onions swirls.

20150105_172449  20150105_172600



Eggplant Rolls and Mushroom Soup.

Hello everybody.

Extremely cold today,bet most moms made a soup in this weather, I did a super mushroom soup from the ones my cousin sent me from Rome,I also used the mushroom cubes which made a big difference in taste,really rich aroma and flavor I didn’t even add any spices. Big evidence is it’s all gone !

Lunch was Kebabs in tomato sauce(كباب هندي) ,kept some of the kebabs and wrapped them in thinly sliced fried eggplant then cooked wraps in tomato,onion and garlic sauce then sprinkled some chopped parsley on top. Really good and well stewed ,eggplants gave it a nice twist !

Oh and I made a fresh pesto sauce to keep in my new pistol and mortar all from scratch!

20150104_164245  mushroom soup in a bun.

20150104_164335   eggplant rolls.

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20150104_093742  20150104_093818 homemade pesto.



Hedge Mustard (حويرنه).

Hello everybody.

Home  alone today,boys and hubby went to the farm early morning so no need to cook and since I’m going with my mom to visit her cousin this afternoon which will definitely serve lots of goodies,so a light lunch will do.

This herb crossed my mind this morning  and I was lucky to find some at the grocery store, though it’s much tastier if picked fresh from fields but we city people will have to live with bunches in stores , not so fresh but good enough.


It’s usually salted and washed many times then mixed with some yogurt or labaneh and some green onions,sharp peppery taste . For me this is the most perfect meal ever, love dairies in all shapes and kinds 🙂

I did some search for benefits of hedge mustard turned out it’s a very useful herbs as anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal actually long time ago it was called the “Singers Plant” cause of great effect in laryngitis and cough and soothing effect on throat , well good to know right?

20150102_142648  hedge mustard with labaneh and green onions.

حويرنه مع لبنه وبصل اخضر وصحن زيتون,



Mud Pie ( Lunch and Birthday ).

Hello everybody.

Big day!  lunch in the honor of my cousin and birthday of my big bro, all people around the table today are precious to me that’s why we had great time and enjoyed every minute . WELCOME my dear family,love you <3.

Lunch was many dishes, main was Rice with veggies and chicken (رز بنان) ,steaks with mushroom,hot spicy potatoes,mloukhieh,kibbeh,cheese rolls, marinated salmon,green salad and rocca pomegranate salad.

20141227_145806 main dish.

20141227_145747  20141227_145822  steak and potatoes.

20141227_145923  20141227_145942 mloukhieh,kibbeh and cheese rolls.

20141227_145843 20141227_121358

20141227_124916  marinated salmon.


Dessert was knafeh,strawberries with dips and this new awesome recipe I got from my sis, Mud Pie, it really looks like a plant you can’t tell it’s something edible specially that I inserted a real flower in it 🙂

Oh most important thing I got some beautiful presents ,one of them is a bunch of lovely stuff from my dear cousin living in Rome ,thank you lovely Rita.


Ingredients and method:

* 75 Oreo biscuits.

Mix 1 :

* 1 pack vanilla pudding.

* 2 cups milk.


Mix 2:

* 2 packs cream.

* 3/4 cups milk.


Mix 3 :

* 2 packets cream cheese.

* 1 tablespoon butter.

* 1/2 cup sugar.


*Mix  each one alone then add mix 1 and 2 to 3.

* Mash Oreos in food processor.


* In a deep transparent bowl make layers of Oreo then cream but take care not let cream appear on the side so that overall look be all brownish.

* leave in fridge to settle ( I made it yesterday) and decorate with real or artificial plant or flower.



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20141227_121513  20141227_121539



Meat in Pitta Bread and Mallow ( عرايس وخبيزه).

Hello everybody.

Must say that my birthday this year was extraordinary, filled with loving people around me,I got hundreds of wishes and texts, got beautiful gifts specially those super knives and ended with a wonderful dinner with my lovely family. Thank God for all his blessing,this year was really awesome hope the coming one will be as good or even more.Thank you everybody <3

Lunch today is minced meat with onions,tomatoes and chili in pitta bread (عرايس) and a small dish of freshly cut mallow (خبيزه) leaves with olive oil and onions, great with a sprinkle of lemon juice <3





Artichoke with Dip and Mloukhieh.

Hello everybody.

What a long Saturday !

Went grocery shopping as usual,found these lovely fresh artichokes and bought a couple to try them, first time I buy them like this I usually get them frozen or canned. Even the man working at the grocery shop asked me:” what are going to do with these? ” told him I really have no idea.

Well after a quick search I combined many recipes together and came out with this easy conclusion, boiled the artichokes with lemon slices,clove of garlic and some bay leaves then made a dip which is a mix of yogurt,lemon juice,balsamic vinegar,mayonnaise and some salt. Really yummy and great as appetizer before dinner or if you have a gathering,it’s also a healthy substitute to chips or crackers.

Lunch was coarse mloukhieh (ملوخيه ورق) ,as a friend told me this morning make mloukhieh it’s the lazy lady’s choice , well I’m not lazy but needed the quickest choice I assure you.





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