Detox Water and Couscous Salad.

Hello everybody.

Very busy Saturday as usual,too much was done today.

In an attempt to cut down food or at least try to start a diet  I made a big jug of detox water,recipe was shown on Roya TV you simply add two slices of lemons,oranges, one strawberry and a bunch of fresh mint leaves, I also added some ginger slices and rose water. Leave to diffuse for two hours then start drinking from it all day. It’s excellent for cleansing your body from all toxins.

Lunch was pizza and a bowl of couscous salad, this one is simply done by adding hot water to 1/2 cup of Italian couscous till it’s light,tender and fluffy then add it to your regular salad, really yummy.

wpid-wp-1425152354056.jpeg so refreshing.

wpid-wp-1425152308632.jpeg couscous salad.

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