Cheese Stuffed Steaks.

Hello everybody.

My husband bought some meat yesterday preparing for Ramadan coming in couple of weeks so as to avoid crowded roads and shops as usual,anyway I kept some fresh steaks to do today.

Well as I always say my number one application to look for new recipes or ideas is Pinterest, just love this it !

Found this super easy recipe, you simply stuff then roll steaks and grill them in some oil and butter. Stuffing was minced garlic, chopped onions and parsley, some pesto sauce and a hard sharp cheese with spices and salt of course.

Happens to be that my friend did the same but stuffing was shredded veggies, looks yummy as well.

Made mashed potatoes and a salad on the side plus a sauce made of balsamic vinegar,steak sauce,a bit of Worcestershire sauce and one teaspoon butter all boiled till it thickens





wpid-wp-1433429530445.jpeg wpid-wp-1433429544424.jpeg my stuffing.

wpid-wp-1433429565686.jpeg my friend’s stuffing.

wpid-wp-1433429556805.jpeg wpid-wp-1433429570125.jpeg


wpid-wp-1433429590053.jpeg  wpid-wp-1433429574668.jpeg all yummy.






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