Beef Sweet and Sour.

Hello everybody.

Typical lazy Friday,started by waking up really late for a change, usual coffee at Rula’s noon time then asking what to eat for lunch, decided to make this dish cause It’s been long time since we ate it plus me and my friends went out to dinner the other night at Ren Chai and ordered the same dish but It wasn’t that good or I didn’t enjoy it well !

Searched for an easy recipe to do,found this at,great web by the way!

Ingredients and method:

* meat balls (sauteed ahead till golden)

* sweet peppers chopped to large pieces.

* 1 onion chopped to large pieces also.

* 3-4 pieces pineapples.

* 1 tablespoon brown sugar.

*1 tablespoon starch.

* 2 big spoons ketchup.

* 2 big spoons soy sauce.

* 1 tablespoon vinegar.

* 1 small cup water.


* saute peppers and onions in a bit of vegetable oil till tender.

* add the meat balls .

* mix ketchup,soy sauce,sugar,starch,vinegar and water well together.

* add mixture to pan and stir,then add pineapples.

* simmer for 15-20 minutes.

* serve with boiled rice.


Really tasty and well flavored I even didn’t add salt or pepper !




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