Homemade Ravioli.


Hello everybody.

Very busy eventful week,orders dinners and birthdays.

Last night I had guests at dinner, tried to make it a restaurant style one , served salad which was Greek with capers and feta cheese then pasta, penne and ravioli, then main course, grilled veal with mushroom sauce, baked potatoes and veggies and one portion of grilled salmon with garlic dill and olive oil.Desert was teramisu.

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wp-1454594862202.jpg grilled salmon with dill,lemon,ginger and garlic.

wp-1454594877480.jpg grand finale was a perfect teramisu cup.


here’s the ingredients and method of ravioli:

* 2 cups flour.

* 1/2 tsp salt.

* 3 eggs.

* on a clean surface or in a bowl mix flour and salt then make a well in the middle and crack eggs in it.

* start whisking eggs into flour with a fork gradually.

* continue working with your hands or in a food processor till you get a firm dough.

* cover with cling film and leave to rest for 30-50 minutes.

* divide to 4 pieces then roll to a rectangular thin layer.

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* make stuffing of your choice, cheese,spinach with cheese,meat .

*add one teaspoonful of stuffing in a line , cover with another rolled dough, add egg wash on sides  then cut into squares using a cutter or roller knife.

* keep dusting with flour so as pieces won’t stick to pan.

* cook in salted boiling water for 4-5 minutes only.

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* cook in cream with basil and garlic or tomato pasta sauce as you wish.

I can humbly say it was an excellent meal and everybody had a great time.


Today’s morning orders were za’tar puffs, falafel rolls and two Daisies chocolate cakes.


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Shushbarak in Tomato Sauce.

Hello everybody.

How are you all doing in this heat?  Guess hot fatty dishes aren’t desirable in this weather though many made mansaf or maqloubeh nevertheless.

Well a last minute decision cause all woke up late was this long time no cook dish. Shushbarak with tomatoes, I added mushrooms black olives, pesto, oregano and a bit of feta cheese over ready made shushbarak pieces then all topped with mozzarella.

Yummy cool and fulfilling, fake ravioli my kids call it.




wpid-wp-1437749236514.jpeg wpid-wp-1437749247121.jpeg lovely colorful mix.

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Shushbarak in Tomatoe Sauce.

Hello everybody.
Hope you’re all enjoying  the lovely spring weather these days. Personally I love this time of year, though many people have allergies and flu but weather is perfect. Had a tasty breakfast with hubby outside today, yummy yummy.


As for lunch, after a long discussion with my boys last night before bed about the blog, how many posts I did and how it’s been 3 months,,,, no repeated meal ..hurrrrraaayyyy!!!
They decided they want shushbarak (remember I did it before with yoghurt? ? Shushbarak. ) but this time with tomato sauce or as they call it Arabic Ravioli :). Though it’s very similar to pasta and we already ate pasta yesterday but i’ll do what they want for sure.♡♥

Ingredients and method:
* shushbarak pieces, ready or homemade.
* 1 can chopped tomatoes or 3 ripe chopped ones.
* green or dry onion also chopped.
* dry basil and organo.
* sliced black olives.
* salt and pepper.
* cheese to top if you like.

* saute onions in olive oil till tender.
* arrange shushbarak pieces on top.
* add tomatoes, you can add tomato paste and water if you like.
* add olives, salt, pepper, oregano and basil.
* leave to simmer for 25-35 minutes.
* add cheese on top as preferred.








I guess no pasta for the next two weeks!!!

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