Fresh Pesto with Shrimps.


Hello everybody.

Found an amazingly fresh bunch of basil at grocery store today, couldn’t resist taking most of it and instantly made pesto and cooked in it. So aromatic and nutty, I even added some walnuts with the pine nuts, delicious 😋

wpid-wp-1449930229344.jpg  fresh pesto sauce.

wpid-wp-1449930249876.jpg shrimps pesto pasta with garlic and lemon juice.

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After cleaning and arranging my fridge, found an eggplant and a bunch of radishes that must be cooked or eaten before they’re ruined, so eggplant turned to dip and radish a salad with lemon juice and parsley.

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Pesto was quickly done with shrimps garlic and pasta with Parmesan cheese on top.


Hope you all enjoyed your weekend 😍











Chicken Pie and Broad Beans.

Hello everybody.

Had no idea what to cook today,nobody gave me an answer,so I decided by myself!

Chicken pie,hummos and I have some dried broad beans so I soaked them last night and made them with onions,garlic and tomatoes.

I also made a halloumi,tomatoes, pesto sauce and olives plate and fried some spring rolls I found in the freezer.



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