No Bake Chocolate Slice.

Hello everybody.

Going to visit my friend this afternoon so I thought a nice desert would be nice.

I have this easy quick recipe that I have all its ingredients.

Ingredients and method :
# 1 pack marshmallows. (200 gm)
# 2 tablespoons butter.
# 2 tablespoons water.
# 1 bar or 1 cup cooking chocolate.
# 1 pack plain biscuits crushed.
# 1/2 cup cherries.
# 1/2 cup walnuts.

# In a nonstick pan heat melt marshmallows, water and butter.
# when all melted add the chocolate.
# crush the biscuits add cherries, walnuts and melted marshmallows chocolate mix.
# mix all together and pour all in a mold or loaf pan.
# leave to cool in the fridge for several hours.
# flip over and decorate with melted chocolate or crushed biscuits.



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wpid-wp-1439227200753.jpg mixture in mold.

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