Cha3acheel ( brown lentils in yogurt ) شعاشيل.

Hello everybody.

I’m sure many of you are asking what is this you’re talking about? I know it’s a weird name for lots of people, even strange to some living in Jordan cause it’s a traditional very old dish from Irbid region North of Jordan.

My mom never did it  cause she doesn’t like anything that contains lots of eggs in it,personally I started doing it only recently,took the recipe from my dear aunt Eman, it’s a kind of dish you make once or twice a year usually in Winter or when you have leftover Mansaf (cooked jameed)

In fact it’s a very nutritious meal,full of proteins and herbs, though many find it hard to make or fails sometimes,it may become very loose or hard,the trick is to add enough flour to have the correct consistency.

NOTE: these ingredients are for a big amount,you may use half of it according to quantity you want.

Ingredients and method:

* 12 eggs.

* 5 cups flour (half whole wheat and half white)

*1 finely chopped onion.

* 1/2 cup fresh green thyme.

* 1 bunch chopped parsley.

* 1 tsp baking powder.

* 1 cup cooked brown lentils.

* 1 tablespoon dried thyme,salt and pepper.

* cooked yogurt or Jameed .


* Mix 1/2 the lentils,eggs,parsley,fresh and dry thyme,salt and pepper.

* saute onions till soft then add to mix.

* add flour gradually and mix well till you have a sticky dough ( not hard nor soft).

* boil the yogurt with the rest of the lentils.

* boil some salted water then drop a tablespoonful of the dough in it,it’ll directly form a stiff ball, if it crumbled or didn’t hold together this means you need to add more flour.

* remove balls as soon as they float to the top then leave to dry on paper towel.

* drop them in the yogurt while boiling then leave to simmer on low heat for 40-50 minutes.


Hope you try it some day!

مقادير وطريقه عمل الشعاشيل:

(مقادير لكميه كبيره, طبعا يمكن استعمال نصفها حسب العدد)

* 12 بيضه.

* 5 كاسات طحين, نصف اسمر بلدي ونصف ابيض.

* بصله مفرومه ناعم.

*كاسه عدس مسلوق.

* 1ظ2 كاسه زعتر اخضر.

* بقدونس مفروم ناعم.

*1 ملعقه باكينغ باودر.

* ملح وفلفل حسب الرغيه.

*جميد او لبن مطبوخ

* تحمس البصله في شويه زيت حتى تذبل.

* تخلط المقادير مع البصله ثم يضاف الطحين حتى يصبح الخليط كالعجينه الطريه.

*ملاحظه: يضاف نصف كوب العدس الى الخليط والنصف الاخر الى الجميد

* تغلى ماء مع ملح ثم اسقطي بها مقدار ملعقه كبيره من الخليط, اا1ا لم تتماسك راسا وتصبح كره يعني يجب اضافه طحين.

* انشلي الطابات عندما تطفو الى السطح وعندما تنشف اضيفيهم ال الجميد.

* يغلى على نار هادئه لمده 40-50 دقيقهز

صحه وهنا.



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How to Pickle Olives (كبيس الزيتون)

Hello everybody.

Headed North to hometown Irbid yesterday for two reasons, buying olives ,since it’s the season to pickle them,from the same guy we buy each year on the road before reaching Jerash and then to go visit my lovely cousin and have lunch with our dear family members.

To tell you the truth I’ve been making olives only recently , used to be my mother in-law’s annual ritual specialty but since two years ago  ,as she says, retired from the mission so I’ve been doing it her way and send her share.

Pickling olives is a very easy process but needs a day work and messes your kitchen a bit specially if you’re making large amounts. First you must pick the kind of olives you like,some people prefer big ones some son’t,I usually buy local kind (نبالي بلدي),then you must press it either manually or in a special machine usually found at the shop or seller.

You can find many ways and methods to pickle olives in books or by experience or in factories, personally I found this method the easiest and always works with me.

Wash olives well,try to remove leaves and stems as much as you can, then soak them in water overnight or two , the next day wash again then mix them with a good amount of sliced lemons,hot peppers and lemon juice. Make the pickling brine which is exactly one big spoon of coarse local salt to each cup of water ( each liter of water needs 4 big spoons of salt), put olives in big glass or plastic jars then fill with salted water to the rim,close tightly and leave till done.

*Note: olives might take a longer period of time to be ready this way (a month maybe) if you want to be ready earlier you must soak it in water and replace it each day for a week then pickle it.

*Note: a tip to make sure your brine is perfect,place a raw egg in it,if it floats to the top then it’s good if it sinks then you need to add more salt.

* Note: usually I remove some of the olives when done, make a new salt solution and add new lemon and peppers, that way it’ll always be fresh and green.


Well now back to yesterday’s lunch, it was AMAZING ,elegant table,delicious food,various dishes and most important of all good loving caring company, I’m so lucky to have such kind generous loving cousins in my family.

Dishes were: Mansaf,lasagna,rolled steaks,sauteed veggies,chicken pie and a salad, dessert was chocolate cake,yummy coconut balls (took the recipe and will make it soon) and I made my Almond Orange cake, even coffee and tea tasted great believe me.

Thank you a lot my dear Um Tareq,hope all your days be filled with joy and good health.


DSC_0543  DSC_0551 locally made pressing machine.

DSC_0631 DSC_0641 floating egg!


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DSC_0652  stored olives jars.

DSC_0580  chicken pie,steak rolls,mansaf.

DSC_0565  lasagna.


DSC_0574  DSC_0581 yummy pickles.

DSC_0595  dessert.

DSC_0555 DSC_0586 don’t they look good?

DSC_0544  lovely local olives.




Small Lunch Gathering :)

Hello everybody.

My dear cousins coming from Irbid today , though they insisted that they’ll only pass by for coffee but I ignored the thought and promised to make a small easy lunch, we really had a great time specially with the company of the sweetest baby ever Mira,such an angel <3

I made steak with mushrooms peppers and gravy sauce with mashed potatoes on the side,some eggplant dip and green salad.

Dessert was simple cake with swirled blueberries on top,really good with coffee after lunch.


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20140909_141940-1   isn’t she adorable?


Pear Crumble Cake.

Hello everybody.

I was honored  to have my hubbies’ aunt and our favorite cousin for lunch today,she came for a doctor’s appointment then came to lunch before going back to Irbid,we really had a great time.

I made rice with vegetables and curry chicken (Banan’s Rice ),roasted ribs,chili potatoes and salad with labaneh.

Dessert was a new recipe,pear crumble cake, I had some ripe pears so they were perfect for this.

* Ingredients and method:

* 2 cups water.

* 1 cup sugar.

* 1 stick cinnamon.

* 2 thinly sliced pears.

* 3/4 cup butter.

*2/3 cup sugar.

* 2 eggs.

* 1 1/2 cups flour.

* 2 tsp baking powder.

* 1 tsp vanilla.

* Crumble topping:

* 1/2 cup plain flour.

* 1/3 cup sugar.

* 1/2 cup butter.

* 1/2 cup coconut.


* combine water,sugar and cinnamon stick stir over heat till sugar dissolves then add the pears.leave to simmer till tender then drain and dry.

* mix butter and sugar till creamy then add eggs and vanilla.

* add flour and baking powder and mix well.

* pour the batter in a buttered spring pan then add pears on top.

* make the crumble by mixing all ingredients till crumbly, you may need extra flour.

* add crumble on top of pears.

* bake in a medium heated oven for 1 hour or till center is dry.

NOTE: make sure pears are very thinly sliced cause cake may sink in the middle if they’re thick.

* serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

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Up to Hometown Huwwara :)

Hello everybody.

Had a marvelous day, me and mom headed up North this morning and visited many relatives and as usual ate lots of food 😉

First stop was at my new fb friend and cousin for breakfast and a cup of coffee,all delicious and we had such a great time catching up and knowing each other face to face,a real pleasure. Visit ended with a superb piece of Teramisu since my cousin lives in Rome so she’s an expert,really yummy.

Thank you dear Rita for your hospitality,hope to see you soon before you leave.


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Then next visit was to my lovely colleagues and best cousins for lunch,we had rice with fava beans with salad and Irbid yogurt of course. Ha great time as usual 🙂

Trip ended by paying condolences for a relative then a must buying labaneh and yogurt on our way back from Husson.

Very nice day indeed <3


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Rock Cookies ( كعك صخري)

Hello again.

As I mentioned earlier I also made some cookies and packed a bit as a gift, I think this is a very loving giveaway or gift, I mean when you cook or bake something for someone you love or care about, you can feel that in the taste or look, is this true or do I imagine this??

Rock cookies are very popular,In Irbid you can find them in every house you visit in Eid time, I have this recipe from my auntie who’s very famous in doing them, but I modified a bit by using brown sugar instead of white and added dried cranberries.

Ingredients and method:

* 2 eggs.

* 1 cup sugar or 3/4 brown sugar.

* 3 big spoons butter.

* 1 cup mixed nuts ( walnuts,almonds,pistachios,hazelnuts)

* 1/2 cup raisins.

* 1 tsp cinnamon,pinch of cloves,cardamom and nutmeg.

* vanilla,1 tsp baking powder and a pinch of salt.

* 2 cups flour.


* mix eggs,sugar and butter till creamy.

* toast nuts in the oven for 10 minutes then crush them.

* add nuts and raisins to flour,baking powder and salt then add egg mixture.

* mix very well with wooden spoon till you have a not too soft nor tough dough.

* make spoonfuls of the dough on a baking pan,size of a small ball.

* bake in a medium heated oven for 10-13 minutes or till edges are golden.

* store in a well sealed jar or tin.

Enjoy 🙂










Rubi’s Apple Cake.

Hello everybody.

Just came back from Irbid,we were invited to a  lovely lunch at my husband’s cousin. Food was incredibly delicious,  have to admit I ate too much, but couldn’t resist 🙂

Early morning I made apple cake to take with me,my cook book says Rubi’s apple cake ( recipe from my dear friend Ruba <3), very simple,juicy and easy.

Ingredients and method:

*2 big peeled sliced apples.

*1/2 cup brown sugar.

* raisins or cranberries.

* 1/2 tsp cinnamon.

* 3 eggs.

* 1 1/2 cups sugar.

* 3/4 cup oil.

* 1 cup milk.

* lemon zest.

* 1 tsp vanilla.

* 3 tsp baking powder.

* 2 cups flour.


* spread brown sugar ( you may add a bit of butter if you like ) ,apples,raisins and cinnamon in a cake mold or high baking pan.

* beat eggs,vanilla,sugar till creamy then add oil,milk and zest.

* add flour and baking powder beat for 5-10 minutes.

* pour batter over apples then bake in a medium heated oven for 35-40 minutes or till dry from inside.

* turn upside down when cooled.

Just perfect with afternoon tea or coffee , enjoy your weekend my friends <3 <3wpid-20140424_120803.jpg








Lentils in Cooked Yoghurt (مقطعه ).

Hello again.

I’m sure many of you specially youngsters never heard of this dish. Actually it’s a very very old traditional dish from Irbid (Northern Jordan) our late grandmas used to make it whenever they have a leftover cooked yoghurt (jameed) after a mansaf.

Of course many people still do it nowadays but not like before. I still have some jameed from last lunch gathering so I called a dear auntie who still makes this dish and took the recipe. Thank you auntie Um Rakan, everybody loved it.

Ingredients and method:
* cooked yoghurt or jameed.
* 2 cups cooked brown lentils.
* 2-3 cups plain dough meaning only flour, salt and water. You can add a bit of instant yeast also.
* 2-3 thinly sliced onions.

* boil yoghurt then add lentils.
* devide dough to 4 parts then start rolling it to very thin pieces as wide and thin as you can.
* slice dough to thin stripes and keep adding flour so that they seperate.I used the pasta machine. Easier aa lot.
* add dough stripes to yoghurt mixture slowly and keep stirring so that they won’t clot.
* season with salt and pepper if needed.
* leave to simmer for 20-30 minutes.
* fry onions till brown and krispy to decorate dish in top.
* served hot.

Enjoy ♡♥♡♥









Old fashion meat and potato ( صينيه بطاطا )

When we were kids we used to run away or grumble when grandma  cooked certain dishes…called it a grown ups meal. It’s funny that we crave them now, I’m sure cause of the memories they bring. Those were simple lovely days. (.الله يرحمك تيتى ام جعفر ).

Today I made meat and potatoes in the oven,  you may add more vegetables like eggplants, courgettes, or tomatoes. I added mushrooms today cause kids love it.

* big pieces lamb meat with bones.
* 1 big onion.
* 3-4 cloves garlic.
* green sweet pepper.
* 4 big potatoes cut to medium sized cubes.
* bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, salt, pepper and all spice.

* Rub meat with salt and pepper , heat some olive oil in a pan.add meat pieces , stir till brownish.
* Add one small onion, bay leaf, cinnamon stick , salt, pepper and all spice.
*  Add water enough to cook meat .leave to boil till done.
* In a big oven tray, sautee sliced onions, garlic and sweet pepper till soft.
* Deep fry potato cubes then leave on paper towel to remove excess oil.
* Remove meat from broth,put them on top of onion mix.
* Arrange potatoes and other vegetables you’re using around.
*Add sieved meat broth and season with extra pepper and all spice as desired.
*  Put it in the oven in low heat for 1 hour and roast it till potatoes are crispy.

   Well gandma used to have big old fashion oven which makes these kinds of dishes extra delicious. Atually many people still use it till now. Excellent for baking and roasting.
* Serve it with white rice and simple salad.









A small plate of fresh fruits after lunch was a delightful dessert!!



Enjoy ♡♥♡♥

Colorful healthy veggies!!

Winter season has it’s own veggies and fruits,these days one can find all different kinds all year long,but definitely they’re much tastier each in its time.

Today I made an old salad that my late grandfather used to love,actually a must on the table all winter time,very easy and very very healthy made of red reddish,parsley,lemon juice,salt and olive oil.Simply grate radishes after cleaning and removing stems ,chop parsley thenadd 1 big spoon lemon juice and 1 small spoon salt ,mix and serve.


Another winter vegetable is beet root,very nutritious and delicious.Boil them in water till tender,peel and cut to slices,then drizzle olive oil and (if you like) fresh orange juice,great healthy appetizer.

I also  cooked fresh green Fava beans with olive oil. (فول بالزيت ) a traditional Syrian dish as appetizer or main dish specially with some fresh full fat yogurt.
Chop garlic and saute in olive oil till tender,add the beans,salt and pepper and mix.Keep on low heat till beans are done,then add the coriander .Serve  with yogurt and pitta bread….

I always remember my sweet friend Rula when I make it,her favorite,first thing she asks for when she comes to Amman in vacations♡♥.




As for dessert….I made what we call Zainab fingers (اصابع زينب ).or as some people say Tweitat (تويتات )……don’t ask me who called them these names. …have no clue:)

This recipe I got from mom….a bit different from the known one that many people make…I like it cause it’s lighter and baked not fried….so less calories and mess.

You will need:
2 cups plain flour.
2 cups whole wheat flour.
1 cup olive oil.
1 small spoon of instant yeast.
1 small spoon grounded fennel..anise.and cinnamon.
Half a cup of sesame seeds. (..سمسم محمص).
Half a cup of black seeds…I think they’re called sativa (الحبه السوداء.قزحه ).
1/2 cup sugar.
Pinch of salt.

For the syrup:
3 cups granulated sugar.
1 and 1/2 cups water.
1 small spoon lemon juice.
Boil all ,then leave to simmer till syrup is thick (30- 35 minutes).

Mix all ingredients then start adding warm water (almost a cup)  and knead well till you form a ball.
Leave it to rest for half an hour..then form it to small balls…then spread each ball on a grater and roll it to make it as fingers.
Bake in a well heated oven till bottom is brown..then
toast the surface also.
Dip in syrup then remove..leave to cool and serve.






Hope you all enjoy this variety of dishes…have a nice day♡♥.

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