Fried Courgette Flowers.

Hello everybody.

Lunch today was mloukhieh from yesterday, fresh from the farm and so yummy with garlic and lemons.

Alongside with it I made these cute fresh courgette flowers that u couldn’t resist not bring cause they were so intact, a waste to throw them away.

Stuffed with cheddar and Parmesan cheese, garlic and oregano then dipped in an egg,milk, flour batter with a pinch of salt and baking powder.

So crunchy and tasty, I even took some for the guy working at grocery store cause he can’t believe or imagine that these can be cooked.

طريقه وردات الكوسا:

تحشى الوردات بمزيج من الاجبان الصفراء مع ثوم واعشاب.

يحمى زيت القلي جيدا ثم تغمس كل قطعه بمزيج متجانس عباره عن كوب طحين, 2 بيض, , نصف ملعقه ملح ونصف باكينغ باودر ويضاف حليب بالتدريج حتى يصبح القوام سلس .

ثقلى بالزيت الغزير لمده 5 دقائق.


wpid-wp-1441636646080.jpg stuffed and ready for frying.

wpid-wp-1441636677737.jpg wpid-wp-1441636636715.jpg

wpid-wp-1441636739325.jpg  mloukhieh with chicken.







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