بسكوت بالهيل واوراق الشاي.


 مساء الخير

وصفه بسكوت الهيل:

*3/4 كوب زبده

* 1/2 كوب سكر

*4 معالق صغار هيل مطحون

*1/2 باكينغ باودر

*2 كوب طحين

*1/2 كوب اوز مطحون

تخفق الزبده والسكر جيدا

تخلط باقي المقادير جيدا وتوضع العجينه في الثلاجه نصف ساعه

تكون على شكل كرات بحجم الجوز ثم تغطس مسكر ناعم مه عه ملعقه هيل مطحون وتصف على ورق الزبده

تزين بحبه لوز او فستق ثم تشوى لمده عشر دقائق في فرن متوسط الحراره.

تحفظ في علبه محكمه عندما تبرد.

(وصفه بسكوت الشاي (ايرل غراي

*3/4 كوب زبده

* 1/2 كوب سكر

* 2 بيض

*1 فانيلا

*1/2 ملعقه باكينغ باودر

*2 كوب طحين

*2 ملعقه صغيره اوراق شاي ناعمه

*رشه ملح

* تخفق الزبده مع السكر جيدا حتى تصبح كريميه ثم تضاف باقي المقادير تدريجيا

*تيرد لمده ساعه ثم ترق بين ورق زبده بسمك 2 سم وتقطع حسب الشكل المرغوب

  • تشوى في فرن متوسط لمده عشر دقائق ثم تبرد وتحفظ في وعاء محكم

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Ma3moul and Date Rolls Lesson ( حصه عمل مقروطه ومعمول)

Hello everybody.

Today I was honored and privileged to share a lesson with my dear cousin in her training center ‘Ribbon Cake’ ,she gave her part in making ma3moul with its stuffing, dates,walnuts and pistachios plus making Sable cookies in various shapes.

My part was teaching how to make my specialty Date Rolls, I really enjoyed my time a lot,it’s the first time I do this, did it before but in my house and with family and friends, hope the ladies enjoyed the lesson as well.

As you all know Adha Eid is within 10 days and many housewives started preparing for it,this lesson today was a great help for sure, Adha Mubarak everybody <3



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Sheep Pluck (معلاق خاروف)

Hello everybody.

I know many didn’t understand my title,both English and Arabic.

Well sheep pluck means liver,kidneys,heart and lungs of sheep, personally I never tasted or cooked it ,it’s my hubby”s specialty ,many people consider it a fancy meal,mostly done in Eid Al-Adha where sheep parts are abundant and fresh or you can ask your butcher to keep them for you,we usually bring them cut and ready to cook.

Today I invited my sister in law and her husband,who usually dig in with my husband,it’s a favorite of both. Of course I made extra things to go along with it and for me to eat 🙂

I made french fries,aubergines and fatoush and my mother in -law made mloukhieh with minced meat. It was a lovely Saturday lunch,followed by the sweetest most delicious melon ever.


Ingredients and method:

* cut,cleaned pluck.

*2-3 big coarsely chopped onions.

* 1 hot pepper.

* salt,pepper and bay leaves.

* olive oil.

*saute onions and pepper in olive oil till tender then add meat parts.

* keep stirring till color is changes to brown,then lower heat and leave to simmer for 1 hour,keep stirring it every 10-15 min,


I know it might be a strange dish but everybody who eat it say it’s very good,a delicacy even 🙂




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